by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
As you look around at the health and fitness level in America, do you wonder….Why is there so much degenerative disease in the U.S.? Why is there such a fat epidemic? And one more question: are the two related in any way? My passion over the past 26 years...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
In this article, designed to help you walk toward your destiny in the circle of health; let’s look at three things. First, deciding what it is in life that you really want; second, taking off the limitations and pretending anything is possible; and third,...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
H – Head away from poisons – Begin a treasure hunt for ways to avoid these poisons in your life. Water – purify your water. Air Quality – Purify the air in your home, office and car. Chemicals on our foods and processed foods – Search for...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
As one begins the journey toward fitness and health, the thought of not having enough willpower often begins to surface. Although intention is of utmost importance, willpower is not a great determining factor. As we decide to live our life with intention, a new...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
After oxygen, water ranks next as the body's most important nutrient. Out of the near 50 essential nutrients, water is the one most essential. We have to have more of it than any other nutrient and we will die sooner for lack of it. As a nutrient, water plays a...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
After oxygen, water ranks next as the body's most important nutrient. Out of the near 50 essential nutrients, water is the one most essential. We have to have more of it than any other nutrient and we will die sooner for lack of it. As a nutrient, water plays a...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
"Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am." Phil 4:13 (The Message) Those who are seeking to live a health-filled life and keep a fabulously fit shape most generally think of temptation as an occasion to...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
Some foods are wonderfully life promoting: “the Goods”. Some foods are distinctly death producing: “The Bads”. With so many opinions running here and there, it is very possible to become confused in food choices. This report will help you to...
by Dani Rotramel | Mindset
All things must start with a thought. To change your life you will begin to think intentionally and creatively. It is no more difficult to do things that bring success than it is to do the things that brought failure. It all begins in your thoughts. The mind is pretty...
by Dani Rotramel | Mindset
All things must start with a thought. To change your life you will begin to think intentionally and creatively. It is no more difficult to do things that bring success than it is to do the things that brought failure. It all begins in your thoughts. The mind is pretty...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
Of course it matters what you allow to put into your mouth. Will it surprise you if I tell you it matters more what you allow to come out of your mouth? “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” What you consistently think and say will take...
by Dani Rotramel | Health and Fitness
As you look around at the health and fitness level in America, do you wonder….Why is there so much degenerative disease in the U.S.? Why is there such a fat epidemic? And one more question: are the two related in any way? My passion over the past 26 years...