by Heather Strang | Relationship
I have a confession to make. I’ve suffered from a serious addiction. No, it isn’t drugs, alcohol or even sex. In fact, this addiction is far more culturally pervasive, accepted, even encouraged. It’s not shopping or compulsive...
by Dr. Sherrie Campbell | Relationship
Being happily married means keeping things fresh. Dates are great opportunities to escape from the everyday, methodical routine of life. These special nights are reserved times to talk, laugh and remember the love that gets overlooked during the weekly schedule. Time...
by Arielle Ford | Relationship
I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything – the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things – all of it, all the time, every day. You’re saying, “Your life will not...
by David C. Facer | Relationship
What an unfortunate culture we’re building by demoting to a problem what is a normal human condition – need. I’m tired of being called needy. I’m tired of talk show hosts and writers babbling about getting my needs met by myself then selling...
by Mary Jayne Rogers Ph.D. | Relationship
We have all heard and probably recited the nursery rhyme “sticks and stones can break my bones…” You know the rest: “But words can never hurt me.” If only it were true. The fact is that words do hurt. Unlike a bruise or broken bone, we...
by Dr. Ivan Misner | Relationship
Back in 1994 I authored the first edition of my book The World’s Best Known Marketing Secret. I was out promoting the book and trying to get bookstores to carry it. Back then, one of the ways to do that was to go to bookstores and do what I liked to call...
by James Bardot | Relationship
Here are three simple ways to find greater happiness in your relationship: Don’t look forward. Don’t look back. And don’t think too much about yourself. Can three such simple statements really have an affect on our happiness? Let’s take a look at each...
by Chris Attwood and Janet Bray Attwood | Relationship
Are you expanded or are you contracted? If you want the essence of the wisdom of this chapter, that is it. Divorce happens because two people contract to the point that they want nothing more than to dissolve a commitment and a relationship that they entered into...
by Yaro Babiy | Relationship
Relationships become more familiar over time, and you may not be serenaded, wined and dined in the same way you were in the beginning. On the other hand, sometimes relationship complacency sets in, which isn’t a good thing. Here are five signs that he may be...
by Healthy Wealthy n Wise | Relationship
Because love is an emotion, many of us think that love will just carry romance along through its own momentum. This is a tragic misconception. Here's why: love is an emotion, and emotions are the result of automatic, subconscious appraisals. We experience many...
by Cedric Benson | Relationship
If you don’t like who you are as a person, it’s likely you aren’t all that satisfied with your relationship. And it’s even more likely that you aren’t able to be a great partner to your spouse. People who are comfortable with whom they...
by Andrew Grimsley | Relationship
It’s only natural that you would not want a relationship to come to an end. As a general rule, people don’t like things to change too much and a relationship ending can represent a pretty big change that you are now going to have to deal with. There is...