The Shift from Duality to Relationship

Duality is a part of our lives and has been for generations – perhaps since the beginning of time. As such, we are all well steeped in the Game of Duality and know how to play it well. The Game of Duality says that this is right and this is wrong and gives us...

The Holy Grail of Happiness

The promise of happiness and contentment can feel very allusive, yet it can be found in the one thing that many people resist: regular exercise and healthy habits. Think about it, of all the people you know who is the most upbeat, energetic and content? I have found...

Trigger Point Therapy

Research by Drs. Janet Travell and David Simons, authors of The Trigger Point Manual, has shown that trigger points are the primary cause of pain at least 75 percent of the time and are a factor in nearly every painful condition. Trigger points, a type of muscle...

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