Duality is a part of our lives and has been for generations – perhaps since the beginning of time. As such, we are all well steeped in the Game of Duality and know how to play it well. The Game of Duality says that this is right and this is wrong and gives us all the roadmap for living. Or does it…..

Duality is, in fact, not an essence that the Soul persona relates to well. In Soul space, duality is an energetic drain on the Soul and a limitation which severely restricts the Soul growth intended during an earth experience. Duality does not even appear to exist in Soul space. It seems it was created specifically for the human experience as an opportunity to experience preference thinking. Thus far, we as a human race have not done a very good job of creating lives based upon preference thinking. In fact, we seem to have trenched in even deeper as the fears supported by the latest economic situation have taken hold of our psyches.

With the approaching of the new millennium, it is well worth our time and effort to rethink our connection with Duality – The Game of Duality – and consider a shift to The Dance of Relationship.

In the book The Light Won, comparisons between Duality and Relationship are provided in an insightful and powerful manner.

  • What Duality defines as comparative, Relationship defines as connected.

  • What Duality labels as opposite, Relationship characterizes as balanced.

  • What Duality classifies as ‘out of sync’, Relationship expresses as expended.

Can you even begin to imagine what this type of a shift in our individual thinking, resulting in a shift in our collective thinking, would mean to each of our lives individually and the world overall? Imagine, for just a moment, how competition might become cooperation, how greed might be replaced with balance and alignment, and how good and bad might be replaced with perspective and preference. What would happen to the boxes we tend to live our lives in? What would happen to the societal rules that influence us all?

Although duality appears to have provided us with clear rules by which to live our lives, has it really? Or have the powers that have been and continue to be simply used the force of duality and the fear of difference that duality engenders to create boxes for us to hide in, for us to be limited by?

One way to consider the role of duality in your life is to notice the number of times you note something as good or bad – both are duality; right or wrong – both are duality as well; each of these formats declares the ‘other’ to be correct or incorrect. Notice how often you make a decision based upon what society has declared as good or bad, whether or not you identify with the decision. The duality in our health care system – which seems, to this author, to promote illness care over true health care – is a societal decision that our culture continues to be aligned with and that we all are impacted by! With this as an example, what would happen if ‘illness care’ was simply one aspect of an individual’s personal health regiment? And, I use this example as it seems to be one of the duality norms that is changing to a more expanded perspective. Think of all of the other examples you experience that are not progressing to a greater definition – a greater alignment with relationship thinking.

Now, as an intelligent, well informed individual, notice the number of times you speak in terms of perspective – of preference – of priority – of possibility. These statement formats are in alignment with the world of relationship. How often do any of us speak in terms of preference? We most often desire to be ‘right’ rather than potentially on the edges of the societal norm. How often do we speak in terms of possibility? How often do we really see all of the variables which are possible before we conclude on one preference? By our deciding to approach life in more of relationship manner, it allows us to release the energy we are holding in the right/wrong; good/bad; correct/incorrect world of duality. This energy, when released, opens up even greater options and greater possibilities from which we can select our preferences.

With all of this said, the shift from duality to relationship will not be, nor necessarily is it optimum for it to be, a quick and dramatic shift. As we have lived in the duality paradigm for centuries upon centuries, a quick shift in this thinking would create chaos. And, as much as it may serve in some ways, chaos for the sake of chaos is not typically the best use of time and energy. A slow, gradual awakening to the possibilities of relationship is much more preferred and recommended.

This slow, subtle awakening, which, even in that format could shake some of the foundations of our society to its core, creates the ability to truly assess those societal elements which are easiest to shift; those societal elements that are a priority to shift; those societal elements that are preferred to shift; and those that are preferred to remain. It is not that all will be thrown away – rather, it is preferred that all be considered from the point of relationship and the preferences determined from that standpoint.

As we move closer and closer to the dawning of a new millennium, might we also choose to move closer to the dawning of new perspective and to the shift to a life of relationship?

About the Author:

Barbara Joye is a Soul Connection Therapist, author, and speaker. Her focus on assisting individuals in connecting to their Soul selves has led her to understand the impact of beliefs on our lives. Through this focus, Barbara has begun holding Belief and Relationship workshops with a focus on assisting all individual to become their own Shift Guru.

The Shift Guru, www.TheShiftGuru.com, 303-880-5950

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