Bill Harris – Focus on What You Want

Paul Scheele: It’s a pleasure for me to introduce Bill Harris. He is a person I’ve known for a number of years. Bill has been involved in personal development for over 35 years, as a seeker, teacher, public speaker, author, musician, composer, therapist,...

The Enemy of Success

Did you know there are some things you are doing right now that are actually scaring away your prospects? Go back with me to the day you decided to get into Network Marketing and Direct Sales. What were the 3 most compelling reasons you joined? If you’re like...

Love Is In the Air

What is it that brings about healing and attracts love, joy, peace and prosperity into our lives? As a journalist, writer and author, I've studied science and spirituality for decades and perhaps like you have formed a seamless belief system that makes sense of...

The Truth About Using Affirmations

Does the practice of saying affirmations really work?   We’ve all been exposed to the philosophy of using affirmations as part of our personal growth. But have you ever tried them? Most people who have tried using affirmations have done so with mixed...

Have You Succeeded Today?

I began writing this article with the intention of sending the message that "success is around the corner for every man [being], the only difference in those who attain it and those who don't is information." Then, this article became an editorial and took...

Harvesting Art

So, you have starting keeping a journal or have kept journal and diary entries for several years. Now what to do next? Hide them in a box, store them under the bed or maybe read what's inside.   Reading the contents of one's journal is exciting and sad....

Exercising Safely in Heat

Summer is officially here. Finally, you can pack away your jackets and get outside. Summer offers extras hours of daylight and with it the opportunity to spend even more time enjoying outdoor activities. For many, this means more time doing physical activities and...

Building a Successful Team

Once you’ve set a goal for yourself as a leader – whether it is to create your own enterprise, energize your organization, build a church, excel in sports, etc. – the challenge is to find good people to help you accomplish that goal. Gathering a...

Is Procrastination Holding You Back?

When you look at your marketing to-do list, do many of the items on it look all too familiar? Have entries like call Donna Sanchez and follow up with Floyd Corp. been copied from a previous week? Putting off unappealing tasks may be human nature, but for an...

From Disaster to Millionaire

Resilient people don't wait for others to rescue them from business disasters. They work through their feelings, set goals, work to reach their goals, and often emerge from the process better than before. The resiliency response may take a long time – but it...

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