I began writing this article with the intention of sending the message that "success is around the corner for every man [being], the only difference in those who attain it and those who don't is information." Then, this article became an editorial and took a dramatic turn when my case in point became a source of inspiration. After connecting more deeply with the source of my inspiration, I began to ask, "What is success?" And, "how do we measure it?"

I was inspired by a story a dear friend shared with me recently. She spoke of her father an uneducated yet, successful man (by the world's definition). He had no formal education or employment history to speak of, but he managed to raise and provide for his 16 children. She held great admiration in her tone as she spoke of the man who owned several businesses, property, ministered to the community in which he lived, and she called father.

Then, it occurred to me that this man, in fact, was not successful because of the many things he had acquired in his lifetime nor by his use of information gathered along the way, but because of the example his living provides us. As this friend shares, she invites me into the warmth of the fire that burns so bright with love and respect for the man that was ever-present in her life.

My eyes tear as she shares the treasure of memories of the man who memorized books in order to read to his small children, the man who memorized scripture to convey the importance of spiritual growth, and the man that worked diligently to teach the importance of perseverance. It became increasingly clear that no material possession could measure this man's success.

Paraphrasing of course, Ralph Waldo Emerson describes success as winning the love of a child, enduring betrayal, appreciating beauty, and knowing that one life was improved because you have lived; this is success. And I look into the eyes of my friend and know the success of her father cannot be measured by the rewards overcoming his challenges has afforded him, but by the beauty of her character.

And so I ask, "How have you succeeded today?"

Talisa Wisniewski is a Personal Peace Coach and owner of Peaceful Inspirations. She lives a renewed life and is committed to the healing of lives with peace. To find out more about Coaching or peaceful Inspirations you may visit
http://www.peacefulinspirations.com or contact Talisa at

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