by Jim Sniechowski and Judith Sherven | Spiritual
To live a fabulous life means far more than just succeeding in your career, in your love life, your health and wealth. And you know that's true when you catch a glimpse of depression in the uneasy smile and the awkward posture of someone who isn't comfortable...
by Keith Varnum | Spiritual
“Most people consider life a battle-but it is not a battle, it is a game. The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy. It is a game, however, which cannot be played successfully...
by Keith Varnum | Spiritual
“Most people consider life a battle-but it is not a battle, it is a game. The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy. It is a game, however, which cannot be played successfully...
by Jim Sniechowski and Judith Sherven | Spiritual
To live a fabulous life means far more than just succeeding in your career, in your love life, your health and wealth. And you know that's true when you catch a glimpse of depression in the uneasy smile and the awkward posture of someone who isn't comfortable...
by Dana Dorfman | Spiritual I believe women live in their own pocket of time. As nurturer’s of the earth, women have a way of transcending their senses. As earth nurturer’s they do not freely follow the road of logics. Instead they float through life’s...
by Paula Muran | Spiritual
Excerpted from Codes of Light-The Power of Our Beliefs In the past thirty-five years, the spirituality and self-help markets have increased at an alarming rate. As a Spiritual Teacher and Medical Intuitive, I have seen many clients strive to change their lives and...
by Dr. Stephen Ruppenthal | Spiritual
At almost any time in our life, we can suddenly be drawn to a spiritual path. We may ask ourselves, what if I am not just that person I am at work or with the family, but possess deep pools of being in which I can bathe in light? Then there is always, too, that...
by Chris Attwood and Janet Bray Attwood | Spiritual
"His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi" For some people they never knew him as more than “the Beatles’ guru,” but for us he became our beloved mentor, teacher and tremendous source of wisdom. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi passed away on...
by Tim Murphy | Spiritual
The human life is precious. Many of us have gone through adversities in life that have given us the false impression that we are less than, or that we don’t belong. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There’s a purpose and a plan for your life....
by Janet Bray Attwood | Spiritual
JANET ATTWOOD: Welcome, everyone, this morning to the Dialogues with The Masters call. With us this morning are my dear, wonderful, great friends who I just love more than life itself-well, not more than life itself!-Deva Premal and Miten. I just am so, so happy that...
by Scott Kalechstein | Spiritual
“Give up your lust for growth.” -White Eagle My whole life I have been a seeker, a student of truth, wisdom, and healing. Seeking helped me get to a certain point, but eventually it became my identity, a hiding place, a wheelchair that I was sitting in to...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Spiritual
JANET ATTWOOD: Welcome, everyone, this morning to the Dialogues with The Masters call. With us this morning are my dear, wonderful, great friends who I just love more than life itself-well, not more than life itself!-Deva Premal and Miten. I just am so, so happy that...