by Janet Bray Attwood | twentytwo
I told my friend Sylva that I really needed a place to unwind and rejuvenate. I was craving green trees and soft mountain peaks, throw in a little winding roads and the smell of rain on grass, a few billowy clouds, some wonderful places to dine, and my inner vision of...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Success
I was waiting with some of my Iceland friends for our food to be prepared at my favorite restaurant in Iceland called, “Glo”. While we were patiently waiting for our salads to be made, being the California shopping expert that I am, I noticed out of the...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Health and Fitness
The theme for the Passion Series is expressed by this quote from Upanishads: “Where there is joy there is creation. Where there is no joy there is no creation. Know the nature of joy.” Dr. John Douillard has made a lifelong practice of investigating the...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Personal
After having spent a week in an ashram in Rishikesh, India, in what I call “monk furnished”, where the toilet seat fell on the floor every time you sat on it, and the monkeys woke you up at 3 a.m. by running across the ceiling, and the mosquitos thought...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Spiritual
I first met Mata Amritananda Mayi, affectionately known as “Amma, the hugging Saint” in 1988 in Wisconsin. My friend Radhika had lived with Amma for many years in Amritapuri, India where Amma had her ashram. “Jani, you must go meet Amma”,...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Cover Story
The great poet Rumi once said, Passion burns down every branch of exhaustion. Passion is the supreme elixir and renews all things. Let divine passion triumph and rebirth you in yourself. Both Reverend Michael Beckwith and Stephen Lewis have lived their lives in the...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Cover Story
As the artist Thomas Kinkade said, When we learn to say a deep, passionate yes to the things that really matter, then peace begins to settle onto our lives like golden sunlight sifting to a forest floor. Marci Shimoff has been like golden sunlight in the lives of...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Cover Story
As the artist Thomas Kinkade said, When we learn to say a deep, passionate yes to the things that really matter, then peace begins to settle onto our lives like golden sunlight sifting to a forest floor. Marci Shimoff has been like golden sunlight in the lives of...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Spiritual
JANET ATTWOOD: Welcome, everyone, this morning to the Dialogues with The Masters call. With us this morning are my dear, wonderful, great friends who I just love more than life itself-well, not more than life itself!-Deva Premal and Miten. I just am so, so happy that...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Spiritual
JANET ATTWOOD: Welcome, everyone, this morning to the Dialogues with The Masters call. With us this morning are my dear, wonderful, great friends who I just love more than life itself-well, not more than life itself!-Deva Premal and Miten. I just am so, so happy that...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Success
Mark Victor Hansen, the fabulously successful co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, has said, "Don't wait until everything is just right, it will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less-than-perfect conditions. So...
by Janet Bray Attwood | Success
Mark Victor Hansen, the fabulously successful co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, has said, "Don't wait until everything is just right, it will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less-than-perfect conditions. So...