How to Handle No-Man's Land

We live in uncertain, volatile times. Many have lost their retirement savings or their job, even their beloved home. Who could say that someone ripped out of the security of a relationship, or who has suffered a serious accident or lost a coveted job, has not been...

Taking Care of Our Parents

It is almost a truism to say that, since our parents gave us life and devoted themselves to our care when we were helpless, now as they struggle, physically or mentally, our duty is to give back. If your parents are entering the phase where they need your care or soon...

Easter is the Time for Renewal

“April is the cruelest month,” says T.S. Eliot at the beginning of “The Wasteland.” But here in Northern California, I am opening my heart to popping flower buds and balmy days of spring, This brings to me thoughts of Easter. I have always...

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