What Is Enlightenment?

People from the Orient are acquainted with the term “enlightenment.” People from the West are more acquainted with the term “awakening,” but both terms describe the same thing. So what is “awakening” or “enlightenment”?...

Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a very individual experience — the way it happens seems to be unique to every person who passes through that experience. It’s often spoken of as a dissolving into universal consciousness, and a merging into Oneness with all things....

7 Steps To Automatic Writing

Automatic writing can be a very cathartic, healing process. The first couple of times I engaged in automatic writing I had the mistaken belief that channeling would occur through my hand. I thought I had to be super relaxed, not move my hand at all, and just let the...

Excerpts From The Seeds Of Greatness Treasury

The feeling that you are unworthy and incapable has a way of bringing down your sense of self-esteem like nothing else. Excerpts From The Seeds of Greatness by Denis Waitley focuses on removing those negative beliefs and helping to get you back on the right track...

The Spirituality Of Everything

Recently, my friend Robert invited me to start mountain biking again. So, we met on a Sunday afternoon to ride. Robert used to ride professionally, so I think he dogged it so I could keep up, but it was a beautiful day and a great ride. Afterwards, Robert told me that...

Exorcism: Catholic Belief Reveals The Truth

Science and technology have taken marvelous stints in the preceding epoch. Man has initiated using classy electronic doodads to formulate his life enhanced and straightforward. Accepted wisdom of contemporary man has also been altered with the encroachment in science...

Meditation And Spiritual Awareness

Meditation is a spiritual practice which attempts to quiet the mind in order to reveal the divine reality of conscious awareness that remains hidden from us most of the time. This divine reality of conscious awareness is called many things however, I will call it the...

Can Other People’s Vibrations Affect You?

Have you ever seen someone in a bad mood walk into a room and bring everyone in it down? The atmosphere in the entire room changes. Suddenly everyone becomes more irritable, on edge, and pessimistic. Likewise, a person in a great mood can walk in and make everyone...

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