I have recently written about the two types of awakening experiences and saw the need to delve deeper into how to awaken by sharing an example of spiritual awakening, one that is applicable to daily, real life. I have also shared that the second, less common type of awakening experience (awakening to your inner power) incorporates the more common form of awakening (becoming more aware). This means that when you awaken to your inner power, you will also become more aware, almost automatically.
How Do You Awaken to Your Inner Power?
Awakening to your inner power requires that you first reconnect with your higher self (your “real” self, your inner self) and once you recognize that part of yourself, to follow through with your inner guidance. As you do this over time and experience some amazing results, you will become so confident in your connection with your higher self and with the divine that you would follow your inner guidance rather than those whom even you would consider the experts in their field. (By the way, this is what is required of you if you are to “ascend” or “graduate” from this realm. I cannot stress this enough.) The following is my experience.
A Real Life Example of Awakening
In 2006 when I submitted a draft of my memoir (about my awakening experiences) to a top-rate editor, she suggested I write a “how-to” book on how to awaken rather than a memoir. Her reason was that how-to books are easier to write and, from examining my draft, she did not think I would be able to pull off a memoir. (I did not have a background in writing but in science and engineering and this was my first book.)
I knew I could not follow her advice. I explained that this was a book on intuition and I needed to follow my intuition (which was to write a memoir). She looked at me as if I were naïve and insisted I change my objective.
However, what I knew that she didn’t know was that my writing flowed when I followed my inner guidance and all kinds of truly amazing synchronicities and insights happened that forwarded my book daily and if I went against my intuition, the flow would stop and nothing would come. I had tested this a few times (and I share in my memoir the things that stopped the flow).
Well, I went ahead and continued to follow my inner guidance even though that did not please my editor. She told me that in her 38 years of being a book editor, I’m the first person who ignored her advice. (Well, I too was upset, besides being apprehensive about being able to pull off a memoir.)
But this is what’s amazing when you get to the point where you follow your inner guidance even when you’re scared: I did not know back then that I was actually recording the details of my awakening process by writing my memoir in real time and by doing so, I would be able to help others get through the challenges of the upcoming 2012 changes by offering accurate information and advice. (Not my recollection years later of what I thought made things work.)
Also, by following my inner guidance my writing style improved and two years later, my memoir became a finalist in the memoir category in a national, independent book award contest.
Furthermore, I couldn’t have written an accurate and complete book on how to awaken your inner power and intuition back then anyway. But I was able to write a how-to book in 2009–and quickly, too!
This is the power of reconnecting and integrating with your higher self through your inner guidance. Reconnecting and integrating with your higher self is what you must strive for if your world is to be transformed. It’s also how you become an “awakened master,” the “master of your life,” and how you contribute to the manifestation of the Golden Age. There’s no better way to raise your consciousness and to create the life you want.
About the Author:
Are you ready to reconnect with your higher self? Subscribe at http://www.WhatEveryoneBelieved.com/ and receive a free 7-page report on how to reconnect to and integrate with your higher self. Christine Hoeflich is the author of What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening, a “National Best Books 2008 Awards” winning finalist, and Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity, an ebook that raises your consciousness and gives you all the keys to finally fulfill your dreams.