Fragmented Parts of Ourselves

Have you ever caught yourself saying something, stopped in mid sentence, and realized you were speaking the words of someone else? Standing there, you wonder, where did that come from? We become the beliefs, feelings and sayings of those we were surrounded by most...

Live Your Life, Not Your Story

Storytelling has been a part of every culture since the dawn of man, even before the advent of the written or spoken word. Early cave dwellers told their histories through petroglyphs painted or carved on rock walls and, later on, oral histories were passed down from...

Financial Advice For Women

Many women are in a position where they are responsible for everything and it is because of this that they are going to want to look for quality financial advice for women.With this responsibility, for anyone really, is a lot of pressure. This pressure can be eased if...

The Financial Pillar of Harmonic Wealth

If I say the word “wealth”, what comes to your mind? If I describe someone as wealthy, what comes to your mind? Many people associate wealth with having a lot of money and a wealthy person as a very rich person. Contrary to this popular belief, wealth is...

100K Careers – How to Succeed in a 100K Job

Landing a 6 figure job is everyone’s dream. Everyone has dreamt of getting landed in a job that will give them enough prosperity as well as enough wealth to boast of. But the first and the foremost aim of every person is to make that 100K job a success, to make...

Mike Litman Success Secrets

A lot of people state that goal setting is the key to reach your goals in life. This is accurate for the truth is, it can be the trick of numerous profitable folks and this might not really appear new to you. You almost certainly be familiar with these from your...

A Mathful God?

Thank God that he calls us by name, that our names have been written in the Book of Life. He knows us intimately. We are not just numbers to him, as the scripture above reminds. That said, have you ever looked at the face of a calculator and marveled at how completely...

Psalm 91: A Prayer Guide Through Tough Times

When things get tough, people of faith and prayer turn to Psalm 91 for strength and encouragement. With great stress, the mind can go a bit wacky with fretting, fear, negative self-talk. Having a ready-made guide for reflection and prayer is essential at times like...

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