Soren Kierkegaard once said that prayer does not change God but it changes him who prays. As Kierkegaard points this out, the innovation strategy is not what changes, it is we who activate and spread out the strategy to enlighten, encourage, engage, energize, empower and extend all our efforts to attain its end results that would change.
In innovative leadership, it needs actual ways to define, describe and visualize the organizational strategy model in order to realize success in innovation. Nowadays more than ever, innovative leaders should not fall into the trappings of the traditional behaviors in leadership. When making the effort to graphically represent or model your innovation strategy, the innovative team members in leadership and your partners are sanctioned and authorized to test the strategy they can expand and extend it to its limits, they could experiment with it and better communicate its potential to others.
Each innovation strategy must provide innovative leadership teams the ways and means to achieve the three most crucial tasks. 1.) Build and develop all the possible resources. 2.) Discipline and train all players and participants. 3.) Direct and manage all activities. The basic reasons for modeling your strategy in innovation are to enable and help you to lead you into, concentrate you on, and emphasize and accentuate the granular but considerable details of those strategic motives.
When innovative teams in leadership plan and invent their model of the innovation strategy in looking for feasible solutions to technological challenges, expanding the industry, exploring productive target markets and conceiving tough processes in the organization, their formula should include: a) Delineating and setting down the communication of your vision's meaning, beliefs and feelings.
b) Focused introductions of those positive leadership vigor and dynamism required to motivate, inform and energize all your stakeholders. c) Systems or procedures to help you better receive and carry out the rigidity of variation and modification. d) A framework on their external, historical and internal realities. e) Verified and dependable metrics that gives you the capacity to unlock and solve the mysteries and complexities of organizational energy linkages and correspondence, dependencies and transfers.
f) Signifying the opportunity 'locations' where the innovation strategy can and should be enforced. g) Understanding the connections and links between the assumed, the observed, and the measured. There are so many managers who believe they could adopt an innovation strategy. I have heard most tell their staff: "Be more creative and ingenious." But unfortunately, those strategies neither motivate, foster or empower people to utilize and maximize their talents and skills to the fullest or to believe in the sincerity of their innovative leaders.
Innovative leadership carries out effectively when a comprehensive model for the strategy in innovation is planned, designed and being followed-in other words, excellence in innovation occurs through a validated model for success. In this modern advanced age when originality and imagination is the premiere initiator of competitive advantage, your innovation strategy and style is the only way to work for and accomplish enduring success.
About The Author
The author of this article, Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Let Amy help you find Happiness in Your Work Place. Click here to learn how to become a Happy Worker.
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