Finger Food Mania

There is nothing cuter than watching your little one chase food around the highchair tray with her fingers, and seeing the sense of accomplishment in her face when a tiny little piece of food actually makes it her mouth. When your baby is between eight and nine months...

Small Talk – Big Love

As women we talk…a lot. Not only do we like to talk to friends and loved ones, we also spend quite a bit of time talking to ourselves. The truth is talking to yourself is not a sign of madness as some would have you believe, but something we do naturally and...

Qualities of Skillful Leadership

If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner, as a manger, as a parent. I call leadership the great...

Sacred Relationships

THE QUESTIONS 1. What is a "Sacred Relationship"?  2. How does this differ from the relationships we have had in the past?  3. Why is this change taking place?  4. How can I change my perspective to adjust to this new paradigm?  5. What...

Avoiding Distractions While Working at Home

If you’ve worked from home for more than a few days, you may have discovered it can be a little (OK, a LOT) distracting. How do you work from home, do the things you need to do for your business, and still occasionally find time to slip in taking a bath? Give...

Harmonic Wealth™

We all know someone who has all their financial ducks in a row – a real go-getter with a flourishing business and an impressive portfolio – whose personal life is in shambles. There's no one to share their success with, or their "life partner"...

Out of Depression and Into Joy

Depression is the most prevalent disease of our time. Under the guise of informing the public, both the medical profession and the media are constantly “warning” us of the dangers and probabilities of the disease most likely to terminate us. News about a...

The Masks We Wear

Halloween – the official holiday of disguise. A time to act out your fantasy-self, your wildest dream-self. A time to wear masks and costumes.   But what about the other 364 days of the year? Have you ever put on an act then? You know, trying to appear a...

Letting Go of Someone You Love

Dealing with the loss of a relationship is the pain that most often brings us to our knees. When a relationship ends, we usually think that the pain is about the relationship that just ended. What we don't realize is that it is truly an accumulation of pains from...

Web Technology in Marketing

Every independent professional should have a web site, an ezine, and an email marketing strategy, right? If you’re not taking maximum advantage of web technology to market your professional services, you are behind the times, and missing out on huge...

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