When, Where, and How to Clothes Shop Online

Did you know that when you clothes shop online, certain days are better than others? It all depends on what you are looking for, but prices vary depending on the day of the week. Here is a look at what to buy when • Mondays – Dress up; look for men’s and...

Benefits Of Blogging For Kids

When you hear someone talking about ‘blogs’, do you automatically assume that they must be talking about something written by adults, for adults? If so, you may think that the idea of kids blogging is strange and unnecessary, but you’d be wrong....

A Parent’s Guide To Cyberbullying

There have always been bullies, but the internet has given mean kids a whole new platform to bully others, and this new platform comes with some serious concerns that parents need to be aware of. Many people tend to think that being on the receiving end of occasional...

How To Help Your Teen Deal With A Break Up

Romantic breaks ups are tough! They can be an emotional and psychological roller coaster. Moms know this because they have gone through them and now watch their daughters go through similar emotions and behaviours after a break up. With changing bodies, adjusting...

How Confident Kids Can Raise Confident Adults

We all want children who believe they can do anything. Right? Youth is the time for dreams, a time to explore what the possibilities are, and they are endless! Kids haven’t been deprogrammed like adults, so it’s a perfect opportunity to watch and learn....

Things You Wish That Your In-Laws Understood

Often I hear horror stories from my clients about the problems and arguing that happens when in-laws do not respect boundaries of their adult child and his/her family. In fact, many couples claim that the biggest fights occur with or about the in-laws. Most of them...

When Is The Best Time To Down-Size My Home?

Today I took my fit and active 83 year old mother to visit a retirement apartment. We had seen it advertised in the newspaper and it looked like a reasonable option for her to consider. It was a self-contained apartment, smaller than the house and garden that she...

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