Florence Kierkegaard really describes what Healthy, Wealthy n’Wise is all about. She said, “God has given each of us our marching orders. Our purpose here on earth is to find those orders and carry them out. Those orders acknowledge our special gifts.”
Dr. Ted Morter, III has found his orders and is transforming the world as he carries them out. Practicing the principles he teaches, he has truly mastered being the best “me” ever. He combines his inner passion with outward purpose, to motivate to the maximum. Dr. Ted is the CEO of Morter Health System and a founder of Dynamic Life Training Seminars of North America, which is one of the fastest growing personal and professional development companies teaching health and wellness techniques for well over 14 years.
He’s an international speaker of BEST, a master instructor of BEST, a trainer, an author, a researcher, and doctor of chiropractic. Dr. Ted develops and directs worldwide wellness training treatment programs including the BEST Life Intensive tour, the ever popular health weekend for wellness and the rapidly expanding BEST training for health practitioners.
With thousands of people in attendance, his programs reflect his personality and passion to the very best of everything that he does. He’s exciting. He’s motivating. Everything he does has an eye-opening feeling to it, and it’s very typical of his descriptions of his health and wellness training, literally keeping the participants on the edge of their seats.
Dr. Ted is considered to be one of the most exciting speakers on the subject of health, wellness, and personal development, both nationally and internationally. He has worked closely and shared the stage with some of the top authors and speakers in the world, including Dr. Barbara De Angelis, Jack Canfield, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. James Ausman, Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, Dr. Bob Hoffman, T. Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hanson, and so many more.
Hundreds of thousands of participants have come from around the world to attend his programs and have had their lives transformed both personally and professionally. He is one of the best speakers around, because he walks his talk. He’s really coming from a place of authenticity and his heart is just falling out all over the place when he’s sharing his information with everyone. He’s truly an inspiration.
JANET ATTWOOD: Ted, I love you to pieces. You are so here and I get to be with you in Atlanta in, just what, tomorrow. I’m on the plane tomorrow and I get to see you tomorrow, don’t I?
DR. TED MORTER: I think you’re going to get there before me, but I’ll be there.
JANET ATTWOOD: I get there before you so I can get myself together enough to just be able to hang out and party with all you guys, because you’re so darn healthy, I’ll tell you. It’s just wonderful to be with you and your family.
DR. TED MORTER: I’m excited.
JANET ATTWOOD: Are you ready to get started? You’re excited.
DR. TED MORTER: I’m so excited I can hardly sit here.
JANET ATTWOOD: No. I’m excited. Everyone, I’d like to introduce to you and it’s my honor, Dr. Ted. So, Ted, will you share with us the role of your passions, the things which are most important to you and your life and the role that they’ve played in leading you to the work you do today?
DR. TED MORTER: Well, sure, Janet. You know, I think that the main thing that drives me, that keeps me going, is that very word, passion. When I first heard about your book and was introduced to you and Chris, I was intrigued because I like the word passion. My wife, when we were dating and to be engaged, and I asked her to marry me and she said, “Yes.” I said, “Why would you want to marry me?” She said, “Because you’re so passionate about what you do.”
I never really paid it that much attention until that word just keeps popping up over and over and over. When I read your book and looked through and really studied it and then I heard you lecture on the book, I was just so enthralled with your passion and your desires to help other people, that I loved it. I just absolutely went through it and I said, “You know, this is someone who I would be honored to share the stage with.” Thank you for playing in that.
You asked me my passion, what drives me, what makes me happy and what makes me really go and I think it’s that I have developed a true passion for my work as well as balance in my life where I have passion with my children and passion with my wife. I try to use the same passion that really began to emerge in younger years. I try to utilize that and those experiences now in my wisdom, as you will say, as my hair falls out.
I’m really enjoying life to the fullest when I recognize where my passions are. I’ve noticed, thanks to you, Janet, that when I move away from following what my passions are, my life is not as good. It’s not in balance and it doesn’t seem to be in check where it should be. So I thank you for that.
JANET ATTWOOD: You’re so welcome. I want you to talk about your extraordinary family that you were raised in. Will you tell us a little bit about what it was like? Share with everyone this incredible family that you were brought up in. I want to tell everybody this because everyone is listening. Many of you know that I spent the last two and a half years traveling throughout India and Nepal, interviewing the enlightened.
When I came and met Dr. Ted’s father, senior Dr. Ted, I felt that I was in the presence of a master, very similar to these masters that I met in India and Nepal. Can you talk about your extraordinary family to everyone, Ted?
DR. TED MORTER: Well, sure. You know, there are nine of us now that are in the chiropractic profession. I have three boys; one is in Chiropractic College now. The two younger boys still in high school that have plans to go through and become chiropractors as well. My whole family was involved with chiropractic and, more importantly, natural health principals and trying to stay away from taking drugs and having different medicines and surgeries and that type of procedures, always trying to do the best that we could to live a healthy, happy, successful life.
These principles were taught to us as we were children. I have to tell you, Janet, it wasn’t always as easy as you think. There were many times where I was challenged in my life. I just didn’t wake up with a golden spoon in my mouth. I had to work hard for the things that I wanted to do. I can remember building fence around the farm when I was growing up.
We had a farm and I can remember building fence and getting a quarter a fence post that we would dig in and put in the ground. It was not easy to do, but my father instilled good working principles for us and that led me to really be passionate about the things that I do. He told me, he said, “Son, it doesn’t matter what you want to do in life, you can be a ditch digger, you can haul trash, you can do anything you want to do, but you just need to be the very best at it, whatever it is that you’re going to do.”
When he told me that, I didn’t really understand the ramifications of what it meant until I matured a little bit and grew up and then realized that some of these principles that had been passed down and drilled into my head, if you will, made me the man that I am today. It was not an easy road, Janet. I have to tell you, it was not just all perfect. I went through many times in my life where I was wondering “You know, what is my purpose? What’s my passion for this? What’s going on with that?”
As I was growing up in high school and college and got off like most kids do. They get into trouble a little bit and you end up looking the world right in the face and going, “Is this what I’m really about? I’m not really sure and I don’t really think this is where I should be.” I was involved with many things as kids grow up with drinking and drugs and different things and some of those times, I think, made me open my eyes.
I’ve never really shared this story with anybody, Janet, so I’ll just dump it out there if it’s all right with you.
JANET ATTWOOD: Absolutely.
DR. TED MORTER: Just that you have to go through some hardships sometimes, every time, to get where you want to be if you’re going to turn out to be anything worth noticing. I think that if I can give some encouragement out there to people that are listening, that are having trouble finding their passion, it’s okay. It will come to the surface, maybe through study like with your book and identifying and bringing to the consciousness of where we really are, it will help people to grow into really finding out who they are, what their passion is, and that’s how it worked for me.
When I had some rude awakenings where people were slapping me on the hand saying, “You’re going to change what’s going to happen or you’re going to be in jail.” I thought that’s not where I want to be. That’s not what I want my children to remember me for. That’s not what I want my parents to know that’s happening. So I think it’s time that we make some changes about what’s going to happen.
Some of those hard times that I went through enabled me to be able to say, “This is what I don’t want.” Then, more importantly, “That’s what I do want over there. That’s my passion. That’s what I’m really about. That’s what I want to move towards.” I think it was the basic principles that were engrained in me and my brother, Tom, and my sister, Sue, who you’ve shared the stage with all of us.
It was engrained in our very being from the get go that we were great people, not that we were any better than anybody else, but that my parents always instilled in us that “You’re a good person. You’re a great person. You can do great things. There are so many availability options, things that need to be done out there, just pick what it is that you want to do.”
It was an example of “lead by example” and “pull, rather than push” me into doing something. My father, in his wisdom, never once told me that I should be a chiropractor, ever. Never did. It wasn’t until I was in junior high that I realized that that looks like something that would be really good to do.
I’ve noticed in my children, my two youngest boys, my oldest boy, Teddy took a little longer than that, but my two youngest boys are in high school now and I just asked them, point blank, what are you guys thinking about doing? What do you want to do? They are very talented and we are very blessed with our children. They play musical instruments, saxophone and piano. They play sports, football and track and they hold records. They’re good kids.
They get into trouble, too, but at least they’re on the right track. We’ve been very blessed to have this type of thing and then for me to be able to point them in the right direction and I just asked, “What are you thinking about doing?” Both of them said, “Well, what do you mean, what else would there be to do?” I thought, “Well, that’s quite a compliment. Are you sure that’s what you really want to do?”
“There wouldn’t be anything else, Dad. We want to be just like you’re doing.”
I said, “Why? Why would you want to do that? What’s important about that?” Both of them, Chuck and Phil, chimed in and said, “Because we want to help other people just like you do.” Chuck says, “I want to be on the stage like you are, Dad.” I said, “Why do you want to do that?” Listen to this. This is coming from a 16 year old at the time. He said, “Because if I’m just working with patients in an office, I can only see a few people. But if I’m on the stage, like you are, I can affect hundreds and thousands of people, all at one time.”
I thought, “Oh wow!”
JANET ATTWOOD: What age did he say that?
DR. TED MORTER: He said that when he was like 15, and I’m like, “Whoa!”
JANET ATTWOOD: Wow. Sound insight on that one.
DR. TED MORTER: All this tells me, Janet, is that I’m very, very fortunate in that I had guidance from my parents. My mother’s passed on now and my father is still alive and kicking and doing wonderfully well. I spent this past weekend with him in Florida and we had a great time. We got to talk. We made some tapes. We did some work and we played. We played golf, went fishing. We just had a great time because the relationship is there.
His passion is this work. My passion is this work to get this message out to people. I hope everyone understands that I’m not any different than anybody else and neither is my father. We go through all these problems, challenges I guess you will, and opportunities to learn and when we do, we get stronger for it. The same thing holds true with those of you who are listening out there. When you have to move through something that’s painful, you grow from that and you become stronger and you build your foundation.
Once you have a great foundation, you can build anything on top of that that you want. Now this is just my opinion, but if you have a shaky ground, it’s very difficult to have any type of stability up there in your body, your temple if you will.
JANET ATTWOOD: This takes me to the next question, Ted. Is there a relationship between passion and health? You know, when people are either very passionate or not passionate at all, does it affect their health in your mind? What do you think?
DR. TED MORTER: That’s a great question. I think that that can go as a double edge sword. If you’re passionate in the wrong direction and your passionate about eating T-bone steaks every night and a baked potato and drinking a fifth of vodka, if you’re passionate about that, you’re going to make some poor choices based on your passion which could lead to poor health. We all know that’s true.
But there’s another side, an insidious onset, if you will, in that if you’re not passionate about anything, and we know lots of people like this. Unfortunately, in our society today when lots of the kids in the younger generation are experimenting with drugs and using drugs on a regular basis, smoking pot and whatever they might be doing, it tends to make them more lethargic and it tends to make them not aware of what’s really going on around them.
I’ve seen this happen and I think that when you move into that lethargic state with no passion for anything except hanging out with your friends and they’re all doing the same things that you’re doing and then it becomes the norm. Then you don’t realize what’s going on. I speak from experience on some of this. You lose your drive. I lost my drive, lost my passion for awhile there. It wasn’t until I had a rude awakening that I got it back.
It could happen two ways. You could be passionate about the wrong thing or you could have no passion in your life, which would lead to lethargy and you would end up being sick and developing problems from there. I think everyone needs to let that inner passion come out. Let it just jump out there. You might not be on stage. You might not be in front of a lot of people, but you have friends. I think passion is contagious; once you start on a passion kick, if you will, that you identify what you’re about, who you are, who you want to be.
I think when that happens, then you begin to surround yourself, I know I surrounded myself with completely different people, completely different friends. I don’t any of the people that I knew back when I was in high school or even in college now. I don’t associate with any of them because I’ve moved on to different levels and have different passions and now I attract, through the law of attraction, people with similar passions to me. That’s why I have you in my life, baby. Isn’t that right?
JANET ATTWOOD: That’s absolutely right. Wait a minute. Okay. I’m the one who’s passionate and you’re the one who’s about health. If we can just like give the best of the best to each other, don’t you think we’ll just have it down so big time?
DR. TED MORTER: That’s why we have a BEST Life Intensive Seminar and that’s why I want you in all of those programs because of what you bring to the program. You know, Janet, I’m not going to let you go on this one, honey. Here’s what happens. You’ve got this great book, this number one best seller book, that absolutely over the top, right?
When you bring that in there, and fire people up and get them excited and get their adrenaline pumping, when that happens, the senses open up and people become more receptive. When that happens, they start to get in touch with their passion and then they want to follow through. What happens? What happened New Year’s Eve and the next day and the next week?
We get all excited about something and then we tend to fade, tends to drop back, tends to be left behind. It’s because we didn’t take that passion and sink it into our own physiology, the way our own body works. We only did it in our consciousness. We didn’t get it into our subconscious part of our mind and that is what a BEST Life Intensive does. The BEST Life Intensive Seminar that we can do together is about identifying your passions and really getting strong in your beliefs and then changing how your subconscious mind reacts to that so that you can actually manifest these things in your life. Don’t you agree?
JANET ATTWOOD: Absolutely and for all of those listening, we’re going to give out the different places where BEST Life Intensive around the country will be held. You have those dates in front of you probably, don’t you Ted?
JANET ATTWOOD: We can share that with everyone because these BEST Life Intensive seminars or programs are truly, for me, incredible because you can come, you can learn the BEST technique, which in a moment we’ll have Ted describe and tell you about. You also get incredible, incredible transformational knowledge. Dr. Barbara De Angelis is speaking there, myself. It’s a wonderful, wonderful opportunity to transform from the inside out.
I promise you, after this weekend, you will feel so completely, solidly clear about where you’re going and how you’re going to get there and aligned with all of the tools you need for you to have so that you will be in the top physical condition so that whatever obstacles you meet with out in the world, you’d be able to handle because you feel very, very centered and powerful within yourself.
Ted, I want to ask you another question. Much has been written about the relationship between the mind, the emotions, spiritual life, and physical health. Will you talk about this relationship from your own experience?
DR. TED MORTER: Okay. When we talk about mind, body connection, what we often times don’t realize is that our body functions from part of our brain that we don’t consciously think in. Most people don’t understand this and all I can say to it is that your body is functioning on your belief patterns that are stored in your sub-conscious brain. The belief patterns are in the conscious mind, but they’re filtered down into the subconscious through the, we call it the “trap door,” which is part of the brain that opens and allows the emotions and feelings to come through and be influencing on the subconscious part of your mind which controls your body.
Let me give you an example. If you see a child almost get hit by a car, let’s say they’re riding their bike along the road and the car comes to a screeching halt. Your heart’s beating really fast and you see the child almost fall over and you think, did the car hit them or not. You jump out and you’re all scared, your heart’s beating really fast and you run up there and the child’s okay. It’s all right. Nothing happened.
At that point, your heart’s beating very fast and that’s a normal function, it’s supposed to happen that way. It’s beating very fast, your blood pressure’s elevated, your pupillary reflexes have changed, your body’s in fight or flight mechanism trying to adapt to what’s going to happen to the stressful situation, but it’s okay.
What happens often times is that the body doesn’t reset back to normal. It gets stuck in that particular type of functioning, that physiology, if you will. When that happens, your brain doesn’t recognize it as being out of sync. Just remember this, Janet, if it was ever normal, it’s always normal. So if anything happens in your body that’s ever normal, your brain thinks it’s always normal, so it’s okay.
Which means that if the heart continued to beat a little bit fast and your blood pressure remained slightly elevated for maybe a week or two weeks or a month and you end up at the doctor, the doctor’s office is going to take those readings and say, “Well, your heart’s beating too fast, we’re going to have to slow it down with this medication.” Or “Your blood pressure’s too high, we’re going to have to give you this diuretic to help reduce the fluid so that your pressure will drop.”
We start doctoring from the outside when the problem started on the inside. That’s our whole medical model that we follow now and it’s erroneous, it just doesn’t work that way. People out there know exactly what I’m talking about. This type of subconscious patterning that we develop is what we speak directly too at the BEST Life Intensive seminar.
We’re going to help people identify things that are going on in your body right now that you don’t like. Say you’re sitting out there listening to this call and your back hurts. You think, “Why does my back hurt?” Well, you go to the doctor and he says “It hurts because your muscles are just tight. Muscles are too tight. Those dumb muscles. Darn. We need to give you a medication to make those muscles relax.”
Janet, you and I both know that’s not the answer. That’s not the way to get this problem fixed. We need to get at the cause. If the cause was that you were under a lot of stress because you’re being audited by the IRS, and that stress is causing a reflex pattern in your back. Your back muscles tighten up. Then the audit is over and everything is okay, but your subconscious doesn’t reset to appropriate and allow the muscles to relax down again.
You’re going to have to keep taking the medication, as we say here, until the cows come home, and it’s not going to fix anything. It’s only going to give you another symptom from a side effect from the drug that you took. Does that make sense?
JANET ATTWOOD: Absolutely not.
DR. TED MORTER: What? If you throw me off, I’ll talk for 12 hours so I hope you’ve got the eggs ready for breakfast because we’re going to be here for a while. This is important, Janet. I mean, to me it’s my life, it’s my work, it’s my passion and I think that if people understand what’s important to them, they’ll also begin to understand. If your health is falling away by the wayside, if you’re constantly trying to figure out the difference between what you want versus what you choose and there’s a difference there.
If your energy is going down, you’re not as vibrant and healthy as you used to be, why is this? “Why am I so tired at 8:00 at night that I can’t stay awake? Why do I get a stomach ache every time after I eat? Why is it when this person walks in the room, I get a headache? Why is it that every time I do this particular task, my tooth hurts?”
I mean there are so many things that can be related back if we just start to listen and pay attention and identify what’s going on. Realize what our bodies are telling us. When you’re full, you’re full. There’s no need to keep eating just because there’s a lot of food on the plate. That was something that I had to work with for many, many years. I’ve finally gotten that back under control. It’s taken 48 years for me to get back on the right track and begin to drop off the pounds that I had put on because there was no need for them to be there.
As a result of following my own advice, thank you, Ted, I’ve been able to drop about 50 pounds in the last year. I feel really good about the way things are going now. So it doesn’t matter to me if someone has one of the physical symptoms I just talked about or they want to quit smoking or they’ve got an addiction or they are having trouble with alcohol or having a relationship problem, they’re having trouble with their finances. There’s a reason for that, Janet.
We’ve talked about this so many times in the seminar and the reason is that there’s an incongruency between what we’re thinking about in our conscious mind versus what our subconscious mind, which is controlling how your body works, there’s an incongruency there between the two. Our purpose, and I’ll just put it out there, our purpose in the BEST Life Intensive seminar is to help people begin a process. A process to learn how I got in this mess and most importantly what steps I need to take to get out of this mess.
That’s what most programs don’t offer. They offer identification of what the problem is and they say, “Now go deal with it. Now you’re going to be okay. It’s going to be magic, take this magic elixir, this magic pill, do this magic thing.” Sometimes it works, but often times it doesn’t work.
The reason it doesn’t work is when the subconscious mind does not get updated. We put people in the program. We put them through a series of exercises that you can do that will actually identify exactly where the problem is in your brain. If you say that you’re having pain in your arm, we are going to be able to determine it and teach you.
This is what we do, we teach people exactly how to do this so that when they leave there, they can identify where the pattern is stored, what feeling it’s stored under in the brain, and the steps to take. Maybe its steps of forgiveness, or steps of acceptance, whatever it needs to be so that they can begin to move through this and leave it behind so that the energy interference that we talk about is not necessary any more.
When that goes away, health miraculously returns, because the body’s not dumb or stupid. It knows how to heal itself. You know, Janet, here’s a story I’ll tell real quick. If you cut your finger and it’s bleeding really bad, if you go to the sink and run cold water on it and maybe put something on it, a Band-Aid or something to pull the skin back together and leave it alone, it’s going to heal up and it’s going to take about seven days for it to heal up.
If you go to the doctor and they give you a Tetanus shot and they put a stitch in it and they put gauze on it and they put on the antibiotics and give you a round of antibiotics for you to take, it’s going to take about a week. You do the math. Did the drugs and the surgery and all the things that had to happen, make your finger heal any faster? No. The body healed, the body healed. I can’t say it enough times.
Any problem that you have, any diagnosis, it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s schizophrenia or malignant carcinoma or a headache or hypertension or a broken leg or diverticulitis or Crohn’s disease. It doesn’t matter, Janet. The body can heal. All we have to do is turn the power loose to make it start to function like it should and it will heal.
Now I have a caveat. I want to say this. I’m not saying that drugs and surgery are bad. I’m saying we just need to identify their purpose. What do they do? Do they give you health or do they change your symptoms. Drugs don’t give you health. They only change your symptoms. It’s about time people start to step up to the plate and realize that I’m responsible for me. I have to take the steps and make the changes to make this work for me.
You say, “Well, if I don’t take my this or that, I’m going to die.” That may be true, but don’t be confused if by taking this or that drug, it’s going to make me healthier. Nope. It’s only going to sustain your life, but it’s going to give you other symptoms. The trick is to jump in there and say, “What’s going on with this? How did this happen to me? Why is my body doing this? It’s not dumb and stupid?”
We have to figure out what the real issues are, and correct the cause. Once we correct the cause, then the symptoms, which are what we go to the doctor for, are no longer necessary, therefore we don’t need to go to the doctor all of the time. You would think that medical doctors and practitioners that are going to be prescribing medications or surgery would be very discontented with this type of analogy or this type of discussion.
I find that the doctors that I interview and talk with, and many are patients of mine, the medical physicians, the ER physicians, are desperate for ways to help people get well. In general, they have a wonderful big heart that they really want to help their people, but with the things that happen in our modern medicine society today, they’re directed what they have to prescribe and what they have to give and that’s just not going to do anything for overall long term health.
Anything that we can do, as a society and all of the people on this call, anything that you can do to stay away from the doctor is welcomed because there are so many people that are running to the doctor all of the time with every little ache and pain and want a particular prescription. It’s not the practice of medicine as it was intended to be.
I’m excited to hear that younger and upcoming doctors that are very interested in this work. Every day, we have practitioners call us from all over the world that want to study this work. Medical physicians, chiropractors, message therapists, physical therapists, that want to get involved with this type of work, this BEST technique. It’s an honor to be able to present and show people how the body works and what we’ve learned, what we’ve discovered over the last 40 years of research.
JANET ATTWOOD: Now Ted, your amazing father created what is called the BEST system. Can you describe exactly what that B-E-S-T system is?
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