Find Your Sexy Core!

My mission as a fitness expert is to guide and motivate you to find time to put yourself first, just a few hours a week. I know exercise is the last thing on your mind, or is it sex? I’m sure it’s a close tie after a hard day with the kids and work. But...

Top Tips For Motivation We all need a little help to get motivated sometimes! Life is hard and we are tired at the end of the day. Who wants to work out? Well, we know we must so we can live a healthy life and look great! Here are some tips to help you keep motivated!...

Top Tips For Motivation We all need a little help to get motivated sometimes! Life is hard and we are tired at the end of the day. Who wants to work out? Well, we know we must so we can live a healthy life and look great! Here are some tips to help you keep motivated!...

Work Those Abs! Tighten that Butt! Your chair is more than a place to park. It’s also a secret weapon for targeting your abs, hips and buns, and improving your balance. The following exercises can be done at home or work in just a few minutes. For best results, all you need...

Why Exercise is Important After Baby

Post-natal exercise offers a whole range of benefits for new moms. However, it's important to remember that you should always consult with your doctor before starting up an exercise program. What kind of delivery you had will determine how quick you can resume...

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