by Jennifer Read Hawthorne | Personal
My career as a professional speaker began when I was about seven years old. I’d gather all the children in the neighborhood and make them sit in rows in our driveway so that I could speak to them! Later, in the eighth grade, I heard that the local 4-H Club had a...
by Jennifer Read Hawthorne | Success
Don’t chase money-you’ll never catch it. Debbi Fields I was once a member of the “I’ll Be Happy When” club. If I could just find the perfect mate and the perfect job-and become a millionaire quickly-then I’d be totally fulfilled. I...
by Jennifer Read Hawthorne | Personal
This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you. Hafiz Sometimes we get so involved thinking about the past or the future that we simply forget what’s going on right in front of us. At times like these, I find it valuable to remember the advice...
by Jennifer Read Hawthorne | Mindset
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. –Henry David Thoreau A vision is something that has been seen. It may be a fantasy you had at a young age that never let go, or a...
by Jennifer Read Hawthorne | Success
I was fried. I had once loved my job leading business-writing seminars. But after too many days standing in front of corporate managers from 8:00 to 5:00, entertaining them, educating them and practically willing them to write better-well, it had gotten old. And the...
by Jennifer Read Hawthorne | Success
Is the quest for success wearing you out? We women may be from Venus, but in our desire to have it all, we have been spending way too much time on Mars! We have bought into the idea that success is about the bottom line, financial achievement, status and winning. We...
by Jennifer Read Hawthorne | Success
Is the quest for success wearing you out? We women may be from Venus, but in our desire to have it all, we have been spending way too much time on Mars! We have bought into the idea that success is about the bottom line, financial achievement, status and winning. We...