It seems that everyone is involved in a weight loss program; especially at the first of the year. Unfortunately a vast majority of “New Years” resolutions don’t make it into Feb. Our Mission here at is to clear your confusion and give you simple, doable strategies that are easy for you to implement and stay consistent with; thus creating a healthy lifestyle.

The “this is a new start”, & the “this is going to be my best year” mindset is a totally understandable. One problem with a lot of people is that they are trying to accomplish their goals with bad or too much information.

You see, when we have too much information we tend to have what we call “paralasysis by analysis”. Or even if we do get started we never can get a full head of steam up cause we are always second guessing if our approach is a good one.

You see times have changed. It was hard to get any information on fitness & fat loss 30 – 40 years ago. There really was no need for such info back then because obesity and diseases stemming from obesity were nonexistent. People ate less processed foods and had to move more.

They did not have all the modern conveniences that we have now. For crying out loud, we could lie in bed and get everything done nowadays with all the technology that we have.

So we are eating worse, moving less, and are more stressed out than ever before. This is not a good combination for our health and energy. Back only 30-40 years ago; things were so different. The average American consumes 14 lbs. of sugar per year. Now we consume 150 lbs. per year. Wow; holy weight loss.

In order for you to really improve the quality of your life through fitness it is imperative that you simplify your information and get back to the basics.

If you want a smaller waistline, more energy, and an ability to age gracefully you must do better in four areas;

I. The Thoughts That You Think

II. The Foods That You Eat

III. The Exercise That You Get (strength & cardiovascular)

IV. Social Support (You will turn into who you hang around)

Remember; weight loss should not be a quick fix. You must develop a lifestyle mindset.

About The Author:

Darin Steen is an internationally recognized personal trainer / healthy lifestyle coach certified through A.C.E. & N.A.S.M. He has personally coached over 500 graduates through his 12 Week Body Transformation System in his private training studio in Chicago, Il. To learn more about him and his system go to

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