The Incredible Power of Belief!

Beliefs can make ordinary people do extraordinary things, but holding on to limiting beliefs can also cripple the most talented of us. Lately, I’ve been quite focused on understanding the power of belief and especially the power of limiting belief. Have you ever...

Need Advice? Your Network Can Help!

Have you ever purposely sought advice from your network members? If not, you are missing out on one of the secondary benefits of being involved in a networking group. Sure, you are networking primarily to get referrals, but you also gain access to professionals in...

Baby’s First Holiday Dinner

Sharing the fabulous flavors of the Holidays with your new baby is an experience that you’ll cherish. Socializing is part of the fun too, so reserve a seat (high chair) at or near the dining room table for baby to join in the celebration. Even though your baby...

Why Do We Need Entrepreneurs?

Fact. 1.5 million people are currently unemployed. Fact. Since 2007, as a nation, we have lost more than 10.5 million jobs. Fact. The U.S. population has grown by about 25 million people since 2000, and we needed to create millions upon millions of new jobs to support...

Top 10 Ways to Wisely Invest Money

There are ways to wisely invest money that are more than just putting cash into an account. And there are certain steps to take. Plan. In order to invest wisely you need to know where you are now and where you want to be. This means looking at your goals and designing...

The Seven Problems With Working At Home

You have no commute! You spend more time working but are available to your family! You can set your own hours! You can work in your pajamas! You work at home — so what’s the down side? Problem 1: How does this all translate into real life vs. the fantasy...

The Art of Passion

On Saturday June 5, 2010, I attended Bunker Hill Community College’s (BHCC) graduation commencement. Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Director of the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital, was the keynote speaker. On the stage, he appeared to be a...

Spiritual Growth Is About Releasing

Butterflies are free to fly! Spiritual growth has less to do with how much about you can add to your life to enhance it but more about letting go and releasing what no longer serves you. Spiritual growth is more like gently pulling away the gentle layers of the onion...

Sibling Rivalry Or Support?

We usually spend more time with our siblings than any other family member. We potentially spend more time on earth with them than any other human. If you think of it that way, you probably want to be nicer to your brother or sister. Seriously, the relationship with...

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