Wow. Al Gore certainly
impressed people all over the world with his ability to show the effects of
Global Warming in his documentary. Suddenly governments, environmentalists,
scientist and others are taking notice – big time!


We regular folks are also
being affected by this global shift in climate and realize this is going to
alter our world forever – if we don't make some drastic changes – and fast!


The question on everyone's
lips is … "Now that we know that our planet – and humanity in general – are in
serious trouble, what are we going to do about it?"

Being aware of the problem
is simply not enough.


We have to take action!


It's not just ecological
and climactic change which is a threat to our immediate future. We also face
major geographical change; an uncertain economic future; the potential for war
and also civil unrest. All of these factors have been brought about by a faulty
perception about the way mankind should be behaving whilst inhabiting the Earth.


So, if we've done the wrong things – how can we


Is there any hope?

Can we really change our


The answer to both
questions is a resounding "YES!"


Never before has humanity
been on the brink of such devastation.

We really shouldn't have
let things get so out of control – but there is hope and we can
move forward.


The trick is to change the
way we perceive life.

Then we must actively
change the way we live – both as a society and as a civilization.


"Study the past if you would define the future." 


The only way to save
ourselves is to evaluate the past and then to focus on new systems which will
save us and our future.

Positive People Power –
where individuals come together and actively strive to implement new methods and
a new society – is the only way we can move forward.


Al Gore gave us a clue when
he said, "In our democracy the future is not something that just happens to
us. It's something that we make for ourselves – together!"



The Truth.


The truth is that societies
could be run quite well without an economic system which favors the rich and
oppresses the rest of us.

All people have the right
to be equal on this planet.

All should have access to
food, water, shelter, money, clothing, education and medical treatment.

The planet owns and
provides the water, the food and the materials we use and these provisions
should be used for the benefit of all people and should not be manipulated or
owned by a select few.

Everyone can take part in
the management of their own lives, their communities and their world.


There can be fair systems
put in place. The methods which have been used till now are not necessarily the
best ways. For example, we need to shun the corporate world and big business. We
need small businesses which employ more people. We need community banking, local
economies, small-farming, organic enterprises, public healthcare. We don't need
(or want) some faceless corporation to own our water supply, our utilities, all
the clothing companies or our telecommunications.  We want some independent
media – which will encourage positive, new ways and not just be spokesmen for
the corporate, old system.


It's time to find new ways.

Encourage the concept of
'small is better.'

Promote positive concepts
which will make society progress.

Encompass spiritual
practices. Instead of 'anything goes – as long as you can get away with it'… try
'we will use methods which help all members of our world to have a comfortable


"The needs of the many outweigh the
needs of the few."
Star Trek


We human beings have to
start thinking for ourselves.

We need to evaluate the
system of civilization as a whole and then we can use the parts which work and
discard the rest. Then we must focus on the problems at hand, and utilize new
systems of positive people power in order to make beneficial advancements.


Let's look at the issue of
global warming.

"An Inconvenient Truth"
made us completely aware of the perils we're facing. It left no room for
negative discussion. The facts are clear. Our planet is dying. It was abused,
polluted and neglected until it could no longer retain its original form.


There is no more time to
lose. Either all humans work together to implement beneficial, positive
solutions or we live on an overheated, barren world without drinkable water,
food and breathable air!

So, while Al Gore (and
others) have given us the details, it's up to us to make the changes.


Franklin D.
Roosevelt (President of the United States) said,

"It is common sense to take a method and try it.
If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something!"



Where does spirituality fit in?


Spirituality must have a
place in the new world.


For millenniums human
beings have dabbled with spirituality. Some were religious and followed the
doctrines of their faith. These individuals had a belief in God and this
compelled them to worship the Almighty.

In latter years religion
became very traditional and sometimes the 'spirit' in spirituality was obscured
but if we're right about spiritual values being so important, perhaps it's time
all mankind followed these ways again.


Now it's time to find that
spirituality again. We can do this in several ways.

  1. We can renew our faith
    in God (by whatever name we call Him).
  2. We can put into
    practice our spiritual actions and morals.
  3. We can encompass
    spiritual values into our homes, our personal life, our work and the wider
    world. By this I mean, be honest, trustworthy, caring and compassionate.
  4. We can use the
    inherent abilities which human beings have always had, yet have seldom
    utilized. These are abilities such intuition, spiritual guidance, prayer,
    the law of attraction and mind over matter. We all possess these powers yet
    so few of us actually use them.


The more we tap into these unused 'spiritual muscles' the more efficient they
will become.

"The whole history of science has been the
gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that
they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be Divinely
 Stephen W. Hawking


Future Vision.


Humanity only has two

  1. Stay as we are – and
    take our chances (or)
  2. Change to become a
    progressive civilization on a progressive world.


There is very little time
left to decide.

I know which I would
prefer. Now it's up to you.


If we stay as we are, we
will continue to bicker and do nothing. If, however, we decide to make changes,
we must truly evaluate our situation as it is and then focus on what we can do
to take steps forward.

We must decide what we want
from our world and then we must pool our human resources and knowledge in order
to achieve this.

Human beings have been
given the capacity and the knowledge to keep the species from extinction but at
the same time we've been given 'free will' which has given us choices but has
often been our downfall. Now it's the 21st century and unless we
start to change the system and make the right choices, we could be doomed to
failure. Unless we unite, to bring forth the best abilities, knowledge and
actions we can muster, we will not have used our humanity to its fullest – and
we will not have saved our world. 



About the Authors:


Karen Fiala N.D. and
George W. Fiala B.Com (Economics ) are the Founders of AlterQuest (The
Alternative Quest for Answers). AlterQuest is gathering people, all over the
world, who wish to join us, to find new ways to shape the present and the
future. Karen's new book – "AlterQuest, Shape the Future" gives a totally new
perspective on life and offers hundreds of new useable methods to make life
better for individuals, communities and the world.Visit:

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