The First Step to Building Wealth…
First and foremost you need to decide where you want to go. What is your ultimate objective? Defining your ultimate objective is the first step or process toward reaching your dreams. You have to see yourself becoming wealthy and successful. Picture your success or objective in your mind’s eye… what does it feel like?… what are you doing?… who are the people around you?… what does your home or car look like?… smell like?… can you see yourself enjoying your success? You have to see it to reach it.

Setting Your Goals…
Once you have taken the first step and identified where you want to go, then the next step is to identify the goals that are going to help you achieve your objective. The following story best illustrates the priorities you should focus on:

There was a professor who brought a big glass jar into his class. It was a gallon container and it had a great big mouth on it. He began putting some rocks into the jar. He held the jar up in front of his students and asked, “Is the jar full?” A couple of the students went up to his desk and they tried to put another rock in the jar and it just wouldn’t go. The students saw that the jar was full.

The professor set the jar down and he began to pour some small pebbles into the jar. The pebbles went around the big rocks and filled in the gaps. He asked his students again, “Is it full now?” A student responded, “No, now we know what you are doing.”

Then the professor poured some sand into the jar. The sand trickled down through the rocks and pebbles and filled up the jar. He asked, “Is the jar full?” The class answered, “No!”

Finally, the professor poured some water into the jar, full to the brim. He asked again, “Now is it full?” The students replied “Yes!”

He then asked, “What did you learn from this?” One student replied, “I learned that no matter what you set your mind to, you can always do more!” Someone else shared another analogy. The professor let them go on and on until finally he said, “The real lesson that I want you to learn is… if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you will never get them in, because the little rocks will occupy the space. And, if you don’t have big rocks in your life and implement them first you will never get them implemented in your life. Your life will be consumed with small things… television shows, details, small insignificant facts that occupy your time but now there is no way to get the big rocks in.”

Six Rocks of Success…
To reach your goals and achieve wealth and success, there are “six big rocks” in your life that you must address:

The first rock is the Greater Power. You have to deal with that greater power, however you define it, and make it part of your life. You can’t just say I don’t have time; you need to implement it first, not after everything else and intentionally make that a part of your life in the beginning.

The second rock is Relationships. What are your relationships? Who on this earth means the most to you? Make sure that you deal with these relationships and build on them as they are more important than the pebbles and the sand that’s in your life.

The third rock is your Outlook. You can think positive about the world or you can think negative. But your outlook is your choice. You decide how you are going to see the world. We’ve all heard the analogy of whether the glass is half full or half empty? How do you see the world?

Wealth is fourth rock. If you never decide to be wealthy, then you probably will never be wealthy. If you make this a big rock in your life, you will build wealth. If wealth is like the pebble or sand, then you’ll never achieve it.

The fifth rock is Time. Time is the great equalizer. We all have the same 24 hours a day as the wealthy do. However, some people are successful because they accomplish more in 24 hours than the average person…. that’s a choice that they make. What’s your choice?

The last big rock in your life is your Health. It’s very simple. If you don’t take care of your body where are you going to live? You must take care of yourself first before you can take care of others.

If you look at the first letter of those six rocks, it spells GROWTH. And you should have an outlook for growth in your life. The principles of success are just natural laws of success… just like natural laws of the earth. You implement them and make them work for you instead of against you.

What’s the Secret?
Now that you’ve planned your ultimate objective and have defined your goals and your GROWTH plan (your six rocks), the next step is to mentor with the experts and learn as much you can from them. Mentoring is one of the key principles in achieving success. However, true success will only be achieved as a result of a person’s drive, not their mentor. A mentor can show you how to reach your objective, but they are not responsible or in control of your objective. It is up to you to take action. To help you in reaching your objective, you should seek to have a variety of mentors… a master mind team. Once you are under the tutelage of a team, you never know which pearl of wisdom is going to affect your life and which mentor it is going to come from.

Personally, I had a very unique mentorship starting out on my journey to wealth. I had an uncle who saw potential in me and my mentorship started with one conversation. In that conversation he told me that I could accomplish anything in this world if I would merely learn the secret. He handed several books to me and said that I would find the secret within these books. Two of those books were the Bible, which contains success principles, and the other was “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

I started reading and studying the process of becoming a millionaire and being successful. Eventually it hit me as to what I had to do and what the true secret was all about. That secret was a culmination of all the principles shared in those books. It’s not a secret you can write down. The secret lies in your understanding of the principles and the wisdom from within those books. My uncle told me, “One day, it will hit you. When all those principles and concepts adjust themselves to YOUR life and when it finally makes sense in your own mind. There will be no stopping you.”


As a millionaire real estate investor, John Childers began his speaking career teaching zero-down real estate strategies world-wide to protégés of Robert Allen’s Multiple Streams of Income. He has over 20-years of experience conducting seminars and is one of the highest paid and most respected speakers in the U.S. For more information call John at 662-585-3873 or email him
or visit him at

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