We are living in times of extraordinary STRESS.

According to Dr. Cathy Carlson-Rink, stress can affect not only our Emotional health, but our physical health as well.

“Constant stress eventually exhausts the adrenal glands, the thyroid, and the pancreas, and impairs their ability to produce vital hormones,” says Dr. Carlson-Rink, who has designed programs to combat the physiological effects of stress for hundreds of patients.

These are some typical physical manifestations triggered by exposure to stress.

  1. Sluggishness
  2. Low energy levels during the day
  3. Sleepless nights
  4. Blood sugar problems

“There are many simple things one can do to relieve stress,” says Dr.Carlson-Rink. Here are a few of her RECOMMENDATIONS:


Not only does exercise reduce stress, but it improves mobility and flexibility, strengthens the heart and improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and improves mental alertness and concentration. Some simple ways to exercise include:

  1. Walk instead of driving to nearby locations.
  2. Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  3. Join a sports club with a friend or spouse
  4. Walk briskly at lunch for 15 minutes, or a relaxed walk after dinner.


When we are in a state of stress, we take frequent but shallow breaths. This starves our bodies of oxygen and leads to exhaustion. This breathing exercise can be done almost anywhere and anytime, even at the office or in traffic.

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position
  2. Take a slow deep breath to center yourself
  3. Inhale through your nose and raise your abdomen about one inch
  4. Exhale through your mouth and allow your abdomen to fall one inch
  5. Repeat ten times.


Vegetables are the best energy foods on earth. Try to get at least 2-4 cups of dark, leafy greens like Kale or Swiss chard, and orange and yellow vegetables, because they are packed with vitamins A and C, calcium, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, and essential fatty acids.


Magnesium supplementation is highly recommended for those under great amounts of stress, as magnesium is reduced inside the cells when the Hormones noradrenalin and adrenalin are released (the stress hormones). Magnesium relaxes muscles, and has been shown effective in treating headaches and fibromyalgia.




Dr. Cathy Carlson-Rink is a member of the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia, and both the British Columbian and the Canadian Naturopathic Associations. She holds a B.S. in Health, Fitness, and Physiology from the University of Saskatchewan, and earned her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle. She is an instructor in Obstetrics and Pediatrics at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. For more of Dr. Carlson-Rink’s recommendations visit www.florahealth.com or call 1-800-446-2110

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