The world is full of abundance. There is limitless possibility and opportunity available to you in every moment, but you have to know how to see it and manifest it in your life. One sure-fire way to live a more rich and successful life is to understand and follow the Abundance Formula for attracting unlimited abundance into your life. The Abundance Formula is:

Belief + Faith + Courage = Abundance.



Anyone who has ever accomplished a very difficult task will tell you that they first had to deal with their own doubt and come to a place where they truly believed it was possible. Not just for one moment, but with a consistency and force that could be felt in the depths of their being.


For you to accomplish anything in life, you must first have a strong belief that it is not only possible, but that it is already accomplished in the future. When we mentor people, the very first thing we teach is how to create a vivid dream that is full of clarity and energy. Imagine what your dream life will be like in the future. Consider your financial, professional, personal and spiritual well being. Your future can be as perfect, happy and fulfilled as you can dream it to be. Now, work back from your future and put a step-by-step plan in place that you will review and renew every day. With constant reinforcement, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams. All of this is possible through your belief, because believing in something makes it real and available in your life.


Karen Nelson Bell, a woman who became a self-made millionaire after only four months of real estate investing, uses daily affirmations to reinforce abundance in her life. But she says that it's not enough to only believe your affirmations in the moment when you affirm them. You have to examine your thoughts and speech throughout the day, and root out any negativity that might weaken your belief. So, instead of saying, "I can't afford that", ask yourself, "How can I afford that?" This new approach opens up the door for abundance to manifest, and reinforces belief in the beauty of your dreams.




Once your belief is rock-solid, you must have faith in yourself and your ability to succeed. Faith is taking the first step when you are not exactly sure how it will work out. Your faith tells you that when you reach a river crossing and need to get to the other side, a boat will be there to take you across. With each new success, your faith gets stronger, and what once seemed like a big mountain is now just another hill.


Linda Hollander left a dead-end job, a dead-end relationship, and a dead-end life to start her own business with no prior experience. She only had her belief, passion and faith to get started. By taking a leap of faith, she became an incredibly successful entrepreneur in a male dominated industry. Without faith, she might never have manifested the freedom, happiness and abundance that she enjoys today.


Think of all the unexpected things that you have already dealt with successfully. It took faith to for you to act when you were unsure of the outcome. Have faith in life and your ability to deal with any situation that arises. Draw on your previous triumphs to embrace faith in your current endeavors.




Courage comes in many forms: the ability to take action on your dreams, the tenacity to persevere even when obstacles stand in your way, and the foresight to invest in yourself now so that you'll have the skills and knowledge you'll need to succeed in the future.


Having belief and faith isn't enough if you do not have the courage to take action. Every journey begins with a single step. Sometimes that first step can be the hardest, especially if you have been in the same place for some time. But once you are in motion, you stay in motion, and your momentum builds. Each step gets easier. Your dreams are seeds that need to be planted and nurtured to fruition. If you don't start planting seeds now, you'll never reap the harvest of your future.


In any life journey, obstacles will appear. It is inevitable. What separates winners from losers is how they deal with them. A winner knows that an obstacle is really an opportunity in disguise. They know that they will learn and grow by dealing with their obstacles. Wendy Robbins went from broke to riches in only two years, but she had to deal with manufacturing issues, greed, deception and lawsuits before she realized her multi-million dollar success. Most people would have given up. But Wendy pulled on her inner strength and courage to keep going for her dreams. Now she enjoys the comfort that wealth brings and the joy of knowing her spirit has persevered and won.


It also takes courage to invest in yourself by seeking out mentors and training that will guide you to success. Most things worth having require hard work to achieve. Mentors and your continuing education will give you the roadmap you need to reach your destination of success.


Belief + Faith + Courage = Abundance


At, our motto is “Freedom, Wealth and Outrageous Success™.” Our dream for all of the members of our community is freedom — not only financial freedom, but also freedom of spirit. And we wish you wealth — not only in terms of money, but also in living a life so rich that you’re happier each day and you have no regrets. The key to “Freedom, Wealth and Outrageous Success™” is having an unwavering belief, faith in your ability to manifest your dreams and the courage to overcome anything – internal or external – that might stop you.


Karen, Linda and Wendy, whose success you read about in this article, are all part of our network of millionaire mentors. Their insightful, inspiring and empowering stories are available at Learn from their experiences to master the abundance formula for manifesting a rich and happy life.


Christina Gage and Shelly Gore are the founders of, a network of mentors dedicated to helping others manifest their greatest dreams and live a rich and abundant life. Millionaire Women, Inc. offers audio programs, teleseminars and personal mentoring for success in business and investing. Join the Millionaire Women community by registering for our FREE newsletter at For information or inquiries, please send an email to

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