7 Steps That Will Help You Use The Law of Attraction And Attract Whatever You Want In Your Life…With Incredible Ease!

Are you ready to determine your own destiny?

Which group do you belong to and have you ever wondered why this is so?

You too deserve to live the life you’ve always dreamed of and easily find success… because it’s a universal right that no one can take away from you. Wouldn’t it great if everything you touch in your life turns into gold? Turns into success? You no longer have to sit and watch jealously as others succeed.

The 7 laws of attraction reveal how you too can find success easily in your life with staring now, not tomorrow or after you purchase some expensive accessories…we’re talking right now!

By securing this special report, you’ve confirmed that “I want to create my reality starting today using the 7 Laws of Attraction.”

About the 7 Laws of Attraction

Congratulations on taking the first important step.

In case you still doubt whether attracting what you want into your life is totally possible, what would you say if you could:

“…uncover the most powerful way to achieve everything and anything you’ve ever wanted from life simply by using some awesome power hidden deep within the depths of your mind?”

Are you willing to become more positive and take action now in order to attract into your life the things you want?

The real secret about the laws of the attraction is that the secret is in the believing and the doing. Neither of these cost you a cent, however, your investment is in your mind and your energy.

Right now you’re already making these investments but maybe using your mind to concentrate on “what you don’t want” as opposed to what you do want.

You might also be investing your energy in worrying about things that may never, ever happen because you’re going to now take action to attract the things you do want.

You already have the power available to you, the question is…

How Will You Use Your New Power?

Take a moment to think of how you will use your newly discovered power of attraction. When you start this process, what sort of things are you using it to attract into your life?

Here are just a few of the areas some people use the Law of Attraction for on a regular basis that you can use too:

# I {Your name} too want to … [Yes, I can!]

1. Be financially free – [_____]

2. Find true love – [ _____ ]

3. Be popular – [ _____ ]

4. Enrich the lives of young ones – [ _____ ]

5. Have a better marriage relationship – [ _____ ]

6. Have more energy and vitality – [ _____ ]

7. Achieve success at work – [_____ ]

8. Be successful in business – [ _____ ]

9. Be healthy – [ _____ ]

10. Be able to give and serve humanity – [ _____ ]

Tick the ones that apply to you. What else can you add to the list… your list?

What If…?

What if…

…you too could (and you will, I guarantee it!) also discover how to overcome all of your fears and inhibitions by using the 7 laws of nature to attract success rather than having to run after it?

What if…

…you are able to agree right now that everything that’s occurred to you in your life up to this day was entirely the result of your thoughts and your actions?

You can decide right now that everything that happens to you from here on out is entirely under your control?

How great and powerful do you feel now when you know now that you can discover secrets handed down from the greatest minds of all time, secrets reaffirmed throughout history by the greatest spiritual leaders the world has ever known?

With this information, how do you feel now knowing that you can say “I am going to control my own destiny?”

Just how incredibly does this help you feel good now?

This is not a one-time, “I’m-feeling-great-now-but-will-feel-like-cr*p-later” sensation. You can feel this good whenever you choose to once you discover the 7 Laws of Attraction to achieve your each and every desires.

Universal Laws of Attraction

You attract into your life whatever you’re putting your attention on. That’s the basis of the Law of Attraction in simple speak…and it’s true, whether someone believes it or not.

It’s a bit like the law of gravity. If someone decides to drop an egg on the floor…it’s going to crack whether or not they believe in the law of gravity or not!

Where Do You Choose To Place Your Focus?

Where do you place your focus most of the time?

If you choose to place your attention on the things that you lack, the things you “don’t have” or on the things you wish that you “didn’t have” then what’s going to happen is that you’ll keep on getting more of what you’ve already got….more of the lack. It takes energy to focus, and focusing on the negatives, the “I don’t wants” actually is even more tiring.

Isn’t it time you focus your energies on the good stuff? The “good” being things that are going to make you happy and keep your Spirit alive? That’s the way to start living an inspired life.
It’s that simple!

A Quick Question for You…

What’s stopping you right now from focusing on what you do want?

Why not do the opposite of what you have been doing all along and focus on the things you do want?

Sounds easy enough right?

Then why isn’t everyone doing this? Why isn’t everyone happy, successful and inspired?

The truth is, it’s more challenging than it sounds because we’ve been ‘programmed’ to think more about what we don’t want that it’s become the ‘norm’, i.e. the way we tend to think “normally”.

It doesn’t have to be that way though.

There’s a way you’re about to discover for how to manage your thoughts so that you easily get what you want out of life.

Are you ready for it? If yes, then let’s uncover how-to …

Easily Get What You Want In Life

As a good friend of mine would say, “this stuff isn’t rocket science!

Understanding the Law of Attraction now starts with you first accepting that there there’s a Law of Attraction and that there are also universal laws of attraction. Same, yet different in some ways.

There are 7 laws of attraction. When you follow these 7 Laws of Attraction you’ll start to see results almost immediately. You can look at them as being the Law of Attraction tools that make ‘working the universe‘ easy.

Learning the Law of Attraction will bring you the life you desire and you’ll no longer have to struggle for the things you want. I really don’t know how to explain it in a way that will convince you if you’re not already convinced, so the best way you’ll be able to experience the results yourself is to put these 7 Laws of Attraction into practice yourself.

Can you do that? You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Ready to uncover the 7 Laws of Attraction? Then let’s do it!

The 7 Secrets – Your Game Plan

#1. You’ve Got To Ask For What You Want

If you’re not getting the results you want, ask a better question.”
John Assaraf, CEO

The very first step you need to take is to simply ask for what you want.

If you’re thinking to yourself “No way, that’s to easy – I do this all the time”, if you have been asking and asking correctly, then why don’t you have all the things you’ve asked for?

“Hmmmmm, maybe it’s not really as easy as it sounds in reality?”

When you ask from the Universe, God or whatever you choose to call it, are you clear about the goals that are yours and those that were handed to you by someone else? Many times these goals get mixed up quite easily. It’s very important that you’re crystal clear about what it is exactly that you want.

It’s unbelievably easy to think you want something when in actual fact it’s is a “should want.” You think that you “should want” something because you think others want us to do something.

So take some time to write down what YOU want. Write in as much detail as you possibly can. Once you fell (and you will know when this is) that you’re crystal clear about what YOU want, it automatically becomes easier for the Law of Attraction to kick in and deliver to you your desires.

#2. Gratitude – It’s Time To Fall in Love With What You’ve Got Right Now

One thing that everyone agrees on, whether they believe in the 7 laws of attraction or not is that the single most powerful step anyone can take to begin attracting the things they want in life is to show gratitude for the things they currently have.
There’s an actual African saying that when translated goes like this, “If a child is grateful / shows gratitude for yesterday’s gift, s/he will definitely get another gift”

This is also true of the Law of Attraction whether it’s a child or an adult showing gratitude…more will be on its way

Take a look around you right now. There are countless things that you can be grateful for in your life even if some things you want haven’t arrived yet. What good things do you already have in your life than you may have taken for granted? You can be grateful for the relationships you enjoy, the beauty you find around you in nature, your health, the fact that you are able to learn the keys to manifesting on demand etc! Each time you focus on the things you love about your life, you’ll bring more and more of those wonderful things (and others like it) to yourself.

#3. Get Rid Of Your ‘Mental Mess

What beliefs do you live by? Whether you know it or not, just like everyone else, you’ve got certain beliefs that you live by consciously or unconsciously.

When you have an intention to be financially free or to increase your income as a couple of examples, you’ll quickly discover your personal and private beliefs about money. For some people, the voice inside their mind might ask…”Who do you think you are to earn that amount of money?” for some others, the voice might say “You know that money is hard to come by.”

Such beliefs will get in the way of you achieving your intention to be financially free. The good news is that YOU get to choose your beliefs!

The Belief to Reach Your Goal of Being Financially Free

So what’s the belief you need to attain your worthy goal of being financially free? It’s as simple as affirming to yourself that “Money comes into my life effortlessly and easily.” How about this one “Being financially free is easy for me to achieve.”

You always have the choice when it comes to what you want to believe in. to become debt free by Law of Attraction , simply choose beliefs that will work for you rather than against you!

#4. Intention – Know Why You’re Here And Live Your Life On Purpose

Why are you here? Why do you do the things you do? Why you and not someone else?

It’s a proven fact that having a strong “Why” is what will keep you motivated to reach your intention.

Write down the reasons you want the things you want

Ask yourself:

  1. What will it get me?

  2. What feelings will I have when I reach my intention?

This reasons “why” will ensure that you keep moving forward. Probably more importantly, they will help you sift your activities.

You’ll soon be asking yourself questions such as “Will this particular action move me closer to my intention or further away from it? For great results, simply put a great “Why” behind any intention you have and you’ll attract it with amazing speed into your life.

Asking the ‘why’ question is the simplest and easiest way to ensure that you only take actions that will help you attain your desires quicker while at the same time make sure that you’re not harming anyone else in the process

#5. ‘Feel’ Your Desires – Feeling Speeds Up Receiving

Any thought motivated by a feeling tends to become reality. Feelings add emotional content to your thoughts.

How are you going to feel when you when you have your desire? Do you know? Can you create that feeling right now?

This is important because the next step to manifesting using the 7 laws of attraction is to apply strong feelings to your want. The Law of Attraction responds to your feelings. One of the best, easiest and most effective ways to start is by using Visualization.

Visualization is a superb way for you to start feeling those great feelings right now.

Imagine having each of your intentions right now.

Take each of them in turn and imagine the feeling of having it this very moment.

Feel the exact feelings you’ll be feeling when you achieve your intention. Add sound, smell and sound to the picture.

It feels great doesn’t it?

#6. ‘Action Leads to Traction’…So Get Moving

When you discover how to use the Law of Attraction it makes your life a lot more fun as you regain control over your life. The flip side of this is that it means you can’t sit on the couch and expect your desires to fall in your lap automatically.

You still have to take action in order to get traction!

As you visualize, you should be sensitive and “listen: for inspired action ideas that will be given to you by the universe. As you think of something that you can do to achieve your desired intention, do it quickly. The great thing about the universe is that it honors positive and quick action.

Try it and see for yourself how it works.

#7. Rejoice and Be Glad

A great way to focus on what you want is to rejoice and celebrating your successes. Remember that “Life” is an ongoing process (in case you feel you have to have everything now!).

Keep in mind that it’s important for you to celebrate your seemingly “little’ successes as well as the biggies.

If you’re like most folks, you tend to overlook how much you actually achieve on a day-to-day basis. You wake up, get out of bed, make something to eat, take care of the family, show up at work, exercise…

There’s more to life than that!

About the Author:

Lourdes Elardo-Gant, www.magicalmanifestations.com, www.magicalmanifestations.com/teleseminar.htm

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