"The size of the question determines the size of the answer."
Mark Victor Hansen

How often have you heard someone say that life is abundant? When you first heard it, did you really believe it was so? Do you now? Do you trust in life being fundamentally abundant, able to provide what ever it is you need to achieve whatever goals and dreams you hold dear?

If life is abundant, what evidence is there that supports such a declaration?
In the 1800's there was an attorney who became a Congregationalist minister. Charles Grandison Finney was one of the founders of Oberlin College. His legal training and scholarship shaped his views and his study of Christendom considerably. He did not simply accept what was taught; he looked for evidence to support the beliefs he formed. "Docility of mind" was equally important to him. By that he meant a truly open and balanced mind capable of honestly weighing evidence presented to arrive at accurate conclusions. Below you will find evidence from various arenas of life regarding the abundance (or lack thereof) of life. Once you have the science (the foundation of abundance, and the tested methodologies), you only need know how to tap into "Life's Magic" as those who are already successful do consistently. You'll discover it's not really a matter of luck or magic. It's a matter of simply knowing, trusting, and applying principles that are woven into the very fabric of life itself. "Life's Magic" is much like The Force in Star Wars. Are you ready to step into a much larger world?

The Science of Life's Magic

One of the basic tenants of physics is that matter is finite. All that is, is. In other words, there is an apparent limit, an end, a totality to the physical universe. The irony of this is that while that may be a fact of scientific knowledge, another recent discovery is that the universe is constantly expanding. If it is expanding, what is it growing into?

A principle of science is often taken by analogy into other realms of human endeavor. Einstein was troubled by the translation of his Theory of Relativity into moral relativism. He personally saw no connection between the two. Nonetheless, popularity of the adaptation of his theory took root. The same is true in economics. Economics has been defined as "the study of how to efficiently employ and distribute scarce resources". This has been the way in which business has operated and forecasted for years. But is it accurate to life?

In the Bible is an interesting set of stories where basic sustenance (water or food) was "miraculously" made available. In one such story, Jesus fed 5000 people with only a few loaves of bread and a few fish. When the potluck is done, the leftovers filled twelve baskets! Whether you believe this as a literal miracle or not, the emphasis is the same: life is abundant; there's plenty to go around. You just have to know how to tap into it. Similar stories are in other sacred writings like that from the Upanishads-

"Out of abundance He took abundance and still abundance remained." – The Upanishads

So what evidence supports such an idea aside from philosophical proverbs?


In math there is an interesting number – Pi (π). Pi is significant because it allows us to calculate and define circles, spheres, and other shapes that would be impossible to without the existence of Pi. I recall a college math book that had Pi starting on the inside cover and continued page after page after page to the inside back cover and finished with "…" No known end has been found of Pi. It goes on infinitely, without end.

Again, in geometry, there is the line segment and the line. The line segment had a distinct beginning and end. A line had neither; it was infinite.

Another concept in geometry was that of infinite division. Between any two given points in space exists another point. In other words, you could infinitely divide the space between any two points and never have a place you couldn't divide again. In molecular science our discoveries are consistent with this as we continue to find smaller parts of known atomic structures. Even computer chips are being conceptualized on such a fantastically small scale we're measuring in billionths of inches (nanotechnology).

The underlying suggestion from all of this is that there is no limit, no end, either inwardly, or outwardly. Fundamental abundance.

Biology – The Earth's Ecosystem

Environmental issues aside, the Earth's Ecosystem functions in such a manner as to be self-replenishing. Conservation and environmental concerns are important because we can disturb even severely damage this system. Cooperating with this system is how we best utilize the earth's renewable resources. In Disney's film, "The Lion King" children were introduced to "The Circle of Life". This is the self-replenishing system of the earth.

While it is true we have reached a stage were we can out pace, thus over load, this system, it apparently is quite capable of sustaining considerable amount of growth yet. Still this observable system itself is evidence of abundance.

Mark Victor Hansen uses a powerful illustration in this arena. He will ask his audience to take a deep breath. Then he will ask if anyone was worried there might not be enough air because his or her neighbor had just taken a breath next to him. It's a very strong analogy to the rest of life.


In 1938, Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich was published. Sixty years later, "The Millionaire Next Door" by Dr. Thomas J Stanley was released. Both books were extensive studies of very successful people. It is significant to note that in both studies the vast majority of wealthy were first generation and self made successes. If opportunity were lacking certainly then this could not be true. It is even more significant when you put the publishing date (1938) in historical context – The Great Depression. The success of those interviewed was obviously in stark contrast to what was going on across the country. Still success and wealth creation was happening when many thought it was impossible and living in bread lines.

So it is today with the chaotic, rapid changes of our economic paradigms. One economist has outlined the basis of this economy rather well and demonstrates how even in economics life is abundant: Paul Zane Pilzer. Mr. Pilzer sets forth a concept he calls economic alchemy. This concept states that technology determines what a physical resource is, how it is used, how it is distributed and finally, what its value is. One of the best illustrations of the impact of technology Paul cites is the invention of the fuel injector which overnight essentially doubled the world's (then) known oil reserves. Here technology influenced a physical resource (its supply and use). So long as technology advances so will our definition, use and valuation of physical resources and thus wealth continue to change and grow. Thus there is an endless potential of wealth fostered through the very chaotic changes the accelerating discoveries of technology. How quickly you can adapt is key.

The way Paul put it in "God Wants You to Be Rich" – "Instead of finding better ways to slice up the same old pie, in the alchemic world you concentrate on baking a pie that's big enough for all to share."

So what is the evidence? Mathematically, it is without end. The Earth itself operates on laws of abundance and replenishment. Even economics when seen through the eyes of the alchemist, the opportunist, the successful…well, there's plenty for all. Life indeed is quite abundant.

Finally, Einstein made a very keen observation about whether or not there are any limits to what we can accomplish:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." – Einstein

"Much more than you dreamed of with so much to spare,
Life's Magic awaits to see which dreams you'll dare
Are you willing to step out, start living your dreams?
There's power in doing, magic within your reach"
Life's Magic©

More science to come…then the alchemy, the magic!



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