
Your alarm clock rings out through the room announcing the arrival of morning. Unprepared, you lie momentarily wanting to believe that you are hallucinating, only to learn your quiet slumber is over and your day is about to begin.

"Where did the time go?" you ponder.

Attempting to notice the digits illuminated on the bedside table, your vision is impaired and the clock looks blurry. You blink several times to double-check. Rubbing your eyes, you glance again, hoping the numbers reveal a different reality. But, they don't!

This is no dream, this is your nightmare. Time has become your worst enemy. Welcome back to your world! There is no escape. You have no choice but to wake up. Oh, how every ounce of your body fights this mundane responsibility you have chosen like a competition of tug-of-war, however you seem to be fighting yourself. Notice, how you e sense a resistance within your own physical body. This is no mistake.

Ask yourself, what do you really want in your life? A prisoner held responsible and accountable to time?

Time can cause a friction creating pressure that totally shuts down your creative process and empowerment, your joy becomes compromised and constrained by the amount of time.

By not listening to our own internal computer mainframe designed to interpret and translate the energies supporting our growth, we deny our opportunities to move off and away from that "wheel." Now these dead-end pursuits cease to occur. Our habits keep us as a "prisoner" as we allow old self-limiting thoughts to invade and permeate our existence.

When you ignore your internal dialogues and physical responses, your energy level can begins to feel sluggish like that of the engine in an automobile whose moving parts becoming dilapidated. To overcome and eliminate this situation, it is necessary to know when certain parts need to be overhauled. Certain parts of your behavior
must be identified and improved. Achieving this fete within your own mind first, can seed a thought process that will physically manifest externally, from this simple process planted in the brain.

You don't have to continue running in circles. Nor, do you have to maintain your position on the proverbial "hamster wheel" exerting a lot of energy, wasting time and arriving no where fast. Life is not meant to be a mundane routine cycle, bringing the same old story day end and day out. No, you don't have to accept this track, at all.

Finding any sense of humor at all, seems almost impossible. It is hard to keep a positive attitude when you are feeling pressured, but you are the one who places the pressure on yourself.

Who is in charge of this parade anyway? At times, you might even feel out of control and ineffective, however it is just a feeling. When these feelings emerge, it is your opportunity to get clear with why this feeling has popped up for you, not to ignore it, because it will hang around until you are ready to deal with the feeling.

Honor the fact that your body is attempting to get your attention.
Old beliefs can have you stuck in a cycle that was truly meant to end sometime ago, however you just have not decided to let go, and release that habit of being a "prisoner of time."

An act of theft has been committed upon you. These acts are commonly known as a time robber.

Examples of time robbers are:

  • Apathy
  • Chaos
  • Confusion
  • Denial
  • Guilt
  • Unhealthy relationships
  • Worry

Ways to handle time robbers

Energy Drainers

  • Start eliminating them from your schedule, so they don't expend any more of your energy.
  • Set boundaries for yourself. You are VALUABLE!
    Your time is PRICELESS and you are EXPENSIVE!

  • Dodge and dart diplomatically those situations that do not empower or encourage your sense of worth. You have no time for games!

Chaos and Confusion

  • Stop the insanity in your life, bring as semblance.
  • Home environment –
    Clear away clutter, organize and streamline
    Rearrange the furniture to change mood
    Redecorate with a new vibrant attitude
    Move to a whole new location

Unhealthy Relationships

  • Quit being the victim, you deserve more.
  • Realize you cannot change them, only YOU!
    You have every right to be happy – so BE IT!

  • End a repetitive cycle. Find the courage to accept more AND learn to expect it – because you are worth it. Move on, and keep on moving, as your future awaits you beyond that door!
  • Value = Appreciation
    When you aren't appreciated, you are undervalued. Reach for people who give you value as an equal exchange.

Find yourself a new playground in order to play, with a healthier environment where you can cavort and create. Get off the merry-go-round. Stop the teeter-totter, take a stand, and realize you have the power to change anything you truly desire. The impossible is always possible. The truth lies in the fact that TIME is really of no consequence, so don't MAKE IT ONE. Go ahead, have the time of your life and liberate yourself from anything that confines you and set yourself FREE!


Joy Malumphy is an author, speaker and founder of www.PowerofJoy.com, offering the daily MirrorBeam message.
These E-beam messages inspire others to BEAM with Divine Gold,
as they empower globally, the treasures of JOY. Contact Joy
for more information at (480) 816-4726.

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