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The other
day we took a walk out to a nearby field. Behind several tall pines, hidden away
from open view, a single, small flower spread its blossoms toward the sun. It
was a deep red, vivid – very strong and straight on its thin stem.


Jim said.


"Proud and
powerful," Judith answered.


We both
knelt next to it, captivated, surrendering to an unexpected meditation.


So unseen
this little red miracle was, so out of the way, and that didn't matter at all.
Appreciated or not, it gave all it had to its life.


"Can we
give everything," Jim whispered, "even if what we do goes unacknowledged?"


"Especially if it goes unacknowledged!" Judith smiled.


"I'd like
that," Jim said, taking Judith by the hand. "To live for the sheer experience of
being alive."


We felt
small next to this giant flower and, although we hadn't said a word, we knew we
were suddenly filled with deep longing.


is like that, you know. When we allow ourselves to open and connect, intimacy
can be an unexpected teacher, taking us into unacknowledged places in our self.


any of us stops long enough to open, to feel the tenderness that is at the core
of being alive, the magic of the mystery appears-right there, wherever we are.


little red flower became a portal, a threshold into the world of the ordinary
and the sacred, into something completely expected and yet utterly surprising.
That's the pleasure and the reward of real intimacy. It takes you through what
you already know out beyond your imagination.


We stayed
with that flower for some minutes, each in our own silence. And then, as though
on cue, we rose, and walked hand in hand back to our house.


There are
opportunities all around you, right now, in your daily life, for intimacy to
carry you into yourself and out toward those you love.


Let it.
Just say yes, open your eyes and let it.



the Author:


Sherven and James Sniechowski provide secrets for enjoying everyday
spirituality. To contribute to their world-wide survey and assess your
availability for everyday miracles.just go to

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