“Moderated amounts of crispy wafers when eaten will not be harmful but when all you eat day and night is nothing but wafers, you are sure to develop some kind of disease due to the lack of nutrients and ‘life energy’ otherwise derived from fresh fruits and vegetables.
Earlier pre-historic human was totally in sync with nature. Eating seasonal local fruits and leafs or vegetables (which nature knows being best for them). Chimpanzees or tigers (any animal) will eat at the times when they are hungry. Their food cravings are not driven by tongue but rather by the food requirement in the stomach.
Small pox, chicken pox, influenza, TB, cancer and so on – the list (of diseases) is ever growing. The more you experimented with your food full of pollutants and so-called additives, the more prone you became to these disease-causing pathogens. Your body has become like a laboratory full of a variety of viruses and bacteria trying out new and new variants for their evolution at the loss of your health!
Return to the basics. Return to nature while keeping your modern outlook. That is the optimum balance. Channel your scientific knowledge, technologies and equipments towards organic farming, to bring back the balance in nature and your body.
Symptoms of all diseases can be broken down into imbalance within your body or inability of your depleted energy body to fight the intruders in the system. This depletion of energy is also psychic in nature. You have learnt to accept disease and death as a general phenomenon. All fall sick – that is nothing new. But I tell you this, that I had designed this body to last forever and forever by regenerating itself each moment if you know (of course, at a level you know this), what to activate and how to live only on ME (my essence).
Talcum powder, Deo and all the beauty products that you so lovingly apply to your skin, which is the biggest cleaning channel of your body, strips you off your capability to remove the intruders and rather becomes the entry point for unhygienic chemicals directly into the body, without giving it a chance to fight against them.
The evolution of mankind has to happen in a balanced way. You know well how some of your beings do live literally on Sunlight or prana or just water. Food is nothing but a carrier of subtle energy, which you can anyway get directly from ether if you learn to harness it and believe in your heart that food, water, air, nothing is as important to live as the Primal Energy that sustains everything in the universe so precisely.
Let go of your fear of falling sick, of dying hungry or thirsty. Let go of your fear of rising temperatures of this planet or the onslaught of nature’s fury. You can and will survive all of this. Know for sure that you are immortal. Neither lack of food or burning fire or deep waters can annihilate your existence. You are as eternal as I AM.
Start changing your food ‘habits.’ Let your body decide the exact requirement of food and water and when. Listen to the body. It does speak. It sends out signals and speaks in a small silent voice like this. Ego craves junk food, large amounts of tasty foods and cold drinks and even slow poisons like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or cocaine. It is the ego’s way of ‘living!’ How funny! Food is taken to accelerate the process of death! Take back the control of your life – all that you feed into your body from any sources like mouth, skin, nose, eyes, ears etc., check out what you are feeding your body with.
Say for example, loud noisy music that can feel so irritating to internal peace against soothing soft music that can uplift. Vinegar, alcohol, cola and packed foods without the ‘living energy’ are dead harmful food ingredients. Walk in a garden or open field. Pick up a fruit and eat. Check out your body’s response. Feel the breath of fresh air devoid of pollutants. Feel the Sunlight on your body. That is ‘life.’ Absorbing the essence of ME from my various manifestations (of nature).
The superiority complex of the ego-based generation to eat and drink (such harmful foods/drinks) in fashion will soon be out of fashion with the outbreak of strange diseases! Listen to ME carefully. Avoid junk food and unhygienic unnatural processed foods. Go completely organic and drink lots of charged (charged with intent of healing) water as directed by your own body.
This is the recipe for survival and growth in the coming times of upheaval.
About the Author:
Amitt Parikh is the author of Conversations with the Mysterious One. He is a mystic and a professional trainer conducting revolutionary Self Development Courses, seminars and workshops for Everyday Evolutionary Living and Your Spiritual Revolution. He is the Executive Editor of Your Spiritual Revolution eMagazine and the Founder of Spiritual Science & Research Foundation, India.