My personal definition of creativity would be “the drive and force which you have pulled towards you through your passion on your unique frequency, and taken it from a pool of like-minded energy for the fulfilment of your personal voyage as a human being and demonstrating your reason for being here. Its fulfilment will bring you life purpose, health and rewards as they are interconnected”. The dictionary says “imaginative creation”.

This is not an article about manifestation or quantum physics but it is about how you should see your creativity and learn to sharpen that tool and keep it very close to you at all times. It IS you, it defines you. It is a lost art (in most cases) and could explain why there is so much illness and unhappiness around which creates low self-esteem and regret.

Anyone who read my November 07 article for HWnW will know that I often quote children as the fresh example of energy in physical form. Believe it or not, we were all in that clear, bright state once and those who are able to re-establish that place mentally and emotionally tend to be the high achievers. Now, I do not mean being childish – that is unhelpful. ChildLIKE is the key here – enjoy play, be spontaneous and remain in these places often, avoiding those situations where you have to be another. Easy to say I know but it is about knowing how and why and it becomes easier, particularly if you learn techniques.

Creativity comes from inspiration and that word literally means “from spirit”. Every breath we take in is an inspiration, literally. Most genius minds would confirm that their inventions or findings do indeed come from outside. In fact, it is well documented that Edison would go into an a state a little like meditation, it was near sleep but not asleep, and called the Alpha state, deliberately in order to access that greater mind pool of energy and take what he needed for his own intentions. He would go into this state with a spoon balanced on his hand so that if he fell asleep, the spoon would drop and he would wake up. The aim was to stay in that suspended, relaxed, receptive state in order to ALLOW this other mind energy to come in to him. He was not chasing it – it came to him and then he did the work necessary to bring about the physical manifestation of the inspiration.

That is what most of us fail to do. We chase around aimlessly searching for that elusive thing which is our creativity and will bring happiness and joy and we were taught at school that it would come through hard work and repetitive learning. Those will only work if we are being creative in our unique way – in other words our life purpose, our Passion, our reason for being here in the first place. We are not all painters, inventors, actors, etc. We need to find our own purpose and that can be a challenge.

There are some great tools such as The Passion Test available specifically to help with this personal enlightenment and it is a great thing to de-clutter the old thinking and be open to being surprised by what you discover is your creative calling. It has been so covered over it may take a while to find the shiny jewel within. Be assured, it is there.

We are frequency beings; that is now a given and about time, too. Science has been a long way behind the ancient gurus in this knowledge and it is good to see the acceptance from e=mc2 which was the mantra for scientists and is more e=fp which is the acceptance that we are frequency driven rather than matter driven. There are countless books on the subject so be discerning but if this is your interest then there is plenty of information out there for you.

We behave as though we were physical mass and yet it has been proved that we are very little mass indeed but mostly frequency. We are radio receivers and transmitters and this is how we are constantly in touch with our senses and emotions. All of these are our on-board satellite navigation systems, only far, far more accurate and with a more reliable means of communicating.

I had the great honour to train with one of the world’s greatest Frequency Medicine practitioners and he took inspiration and creativity to a new level. He would meditate or go into Alpha, at around 5 a.m. and he would discover new ways to do his work, new experiments, quicker ways to effect cures, new energy sources. His intentions were clear and his mind keen to travel to gather back the inspiration which would then be his. His clarity was key and the reasons so powerful – the healing of others. He cured the incurable daily and collected British Royalty and actors and politicians as friends and patients. He was a shining example of how mind can work. His childhood and upbringing held no promise for this brilliance and success, yet his passion and focus saw it brought about in the physical.

The brain is contained within the physical body, but the mind travels on waves. It is all capable of marvellous things and we use but a fraction of its potential. This is the subject for a book but it is enough to know that our minds can travel and link with other minds, other sources of information can become available to us. It is not encrypted in the brain – the brain is a magnificent tool for orchestrating the links, but the mind is that link with the soul purpose if you like which will act for you, constantly bringing the information you require. Knowing you require it is a key and that is why so many are so unhappy. They know they are out there somewhere but spend their lives looking for themselves. Some do, some, sadly, do not.

People who work with very sick people report that they never ever wish they had watched more television or done less. They all wish they had seized more opportunities and taken more risks. When we are in our passion, we can actually see the opportunities and are then driven to take the risks. Without the passion and vision, our minds have a harder time connecting with the inspiration – there is little point when it is never used or even acknowledged. The focus is not there and so the creativity becomes blocked and it is my personal view from my own experience, that illness can follow where creativity is blocked. Some deliberately block to appease a spouse or friends – that is a very negative action and will not lead to happiness and fulfilment. Our purpose will bring the friends and partners which support it.

People love to celebrity watch. Why is that? They are watching someone being themselves, being what they want to be, being fully present in their art, being congruent with their thoughts and actions and we say – “hey, I want to be like that”. Not that person necessarily, just the fact they are certain of their place in the order of things. They exude a confidence which in another circumstance they can so fully lose. The papers are full of examples of those and it is a shame that we then shun them rather than help them see they are more than the persona they push forward.

So the key is in letting go, relaxing and taking a little time for yourself to get to know yourself and hear your inner voice – the one you can trust one hundred percent. Calm down the breathing, breathe from the solar plexus; this power centre is your battery and the breath should make this area move; we breathe with shoulders and chests and that may be putting undue pressure on organs and denying the necessary ingredients in air. If unsure, watch a baby in restful repose and see the belly moving gently and the calm breathing. It is something worth re-learning. This will begin to settle thoughts and release you gently from the all-conscious, alert Beta phase and let you drift into Alpha and find that mind wandering (literally). Intend something before beginning and then see if the answer comes to you. Trust that the answer will come to you. Practise this and record thoughts and results to encourage your journey, for that is what it is.

There is the wonderful prayer by Marianne Williamson which urges us to get out there and be ourselves or the world will have lost that experience forever and it is a marvellous reminder that we are each and every one of us capable of using that inspiration to bring us to ourselves and positively affect the world we live in.

To quote Wordsworth in his poem about our arrival to this energy field for the purpose of living out loud and living fully, we arrive with optimism and enthusiasm “trailing clouds of glory…….” Not just some of us – EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US! Be magnificent.

About the Author:

To contact Penny Dee send an e-mail to

One-to-one coaching and workshops available. Coaching includes energy coaching all ages, sport energy coaching for juniors and spiritual coaching including alternative health coaching as experience of some of the best in the world.

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