
I met a fascinating person on a recent flight. He is a surfer, skier, speaker, author, entrepreneur, developer, community activist and advisor to world leaders.

What is the picture you get in your mind? A young, ambitious, vibrant guy? How about a vibrant 95 year-old with sparkling blue eyes named Art Linkletter? Art has advised every US President since Roosevelt. He was the US Ambassador to Australia. He has been involved in broadcasting since 1933 in radio and national television since 1941. He currently speaks about 70 times a year world wide and normally travels by himself unless he is accompanied by Lois, his wife of 72 years. He is already booked to speak July 17, 2012-his hundredth birthday.

Art loves people. When we met, he chatted with my 92 year old grandmother on my cell phone: the two of them were giggling and laughing like little kids.

Art doesn’t travel with a posse; he doesn’t use a cane, walker or wheelchair or pre-board flights. He goes surfing whenever he can; he regularly visits Hawaii to enjoy the great surf. He recently co-wrote the book How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life. Art chairs a number of national and presidential commissions; he is the chairman of the alternative energy company Solargenix and is actively involved in managing several businesses and real estate projects. He is an active member of the Horatio Alger Association and takes great joy in mentoring people to be their best and serve others.

When I asked Art the key to his love for life and amazing results, he said:
“Success is not money, fame or power. It is finding out what you love to do and spending your life doing it. It is attracting like-minded people who you enjoy being with and share what you love to do.”

Why is it that people may look at an older person or themselves and assume that their best days are behind them? Art made it clear that his best days are today.

What do you want to do with your day today? Email me: MyToday@BuildYourBliss.com

About the Author:

Mike Scogna is helping people worldwide understand their purpose, create their vision, realize their goals and achieve exceptional results through his writing, coaching, consulting and seminars.

Sign up for Mike’s entertaining and inspirational ezine at: ezine@BuildYourBliss.com. I will not sell or share your email address. I hate spam!

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