About 4 years ago I realized what my primary fear was about being in and sustaining a mutual, wonderful intimate marriage. The light went on, so to speak, and ever since not only have I been standing on a positive, renewed platform to live my life from, but the things I share with other people helps them uncover their blocks to experiencing love as well.

We grow up with so many contradictory messages about what a relationship is. A lot of these misconceptions arise from our dysfunctional family lives and TV and from deeply unconscious levels. But these days, more than in the past, people are seeking for meaningful connection, spiritual healing, hope, and freedom from the tyranny of their minds. Fortunately, the answers are inside of you. It’s not about measuring up, having the right background, career or degree, mingling with the right groups, speed dating or being a part of the right online dating service. The Law of Attraction is a wonderful tool for positive realization in your experience.

“God’s will for me is perfect happiness” This is a workbook lesson from “A Course in Miracles.” Oftentimes I find that spiritual people do not realize it’s okay to have desires, goals and aspirations. This is our inner creative drive. Manifested in the form and likeness, it is natural to have the urge to create and express in ways that are helpful to you. Being brought together in relationships is one way we expand, heal, and remember who we are. At times I have found my marriage to be the platform for joyous personal growth, the mirror of my unhealed ego and chance to deeply let go and allow God in. It is all those things and so much more.

If being in an intimate, thriving love relationship is something that makes your heart sing, and once you truly understand that God wants you to be wonderfully fulfilled, expressed, perfect and happy, the single question remaining is “Why do you think you have not experienced success?” The simple answer is fear. Fear comes in quite a few different disguises, justifications, and excuses. Ultimately, we fear understanding ourselves as the love that we are. You can manifest perfect Law of Attraction Relationships when you free yourself from fear and bondage.

It’s not un-spiritual to want love, sex, excitement, intimacy, laughter, and play. It is un-spiritual to suppress your passions and your talents. I understand about fear, I was one of the most resisting people I knew in the area of truly allowing my guard down. If you desire to share your life in intimate partnership you must take back your power, take one hundred percent responsibility for your messes and ask for Spirit to take over. Obviously what you’ve been doing has not worked very well for you. Einstein said, “No problem can be fixed from the same level of consciousness that manifested it”. You must take it to a higher level. Thankfully we have self-help sessions, trained professionals, counselors, coaches and even home study courses to help us see what is in the way of building lasting loving relationships.

A loving, fulfilled intimate relationship is available for any person who wants it. Will it always be perfect? No. The ego would not ever let you off the hook that easily. But I am certain that what you’re seeking is trying to find you. So get some assistance to help you move the blocks out of your way, and I wish you all the fulfillment your heart can contain.

About The Author

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at http://www.NanetteGeiger.com.

You CAN have the Relationship of your Dreams! Download Nanette’s latest FREE Video on the #1 Secret to find and keep the love of your dreams. http://www.magneticattractioncoaching.com

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