Effective marketing customized for your business is the most important factor to creating cash flow and having control over your destiny.

I've coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and many believe a product or service of high quality will sell itself. Not true. When you don't focus on marketing struggle is inevitable. Word of mouth is the best advertising, but it takes a long time before you can pay your bills and live the life you deserve on word of mouth. Financial freedom allowing you to do what you want when you want should be spelled: m-a-r-k-e-t-i-n-g.

In 1994 we were bombarded with 4,000-5,000 marketing messages daily. That number has skyrocketed to 13,000 messages daily. In this era of savvy consumers and advertising saturation an excellent product or service is the start. How do you break through the noise to present a message that will get ideal customers to happily say "yes?"

Even experienced business owners continue learning ways to dodge the time and money wasters that can gobble up a marketing budget. Often the expert guidance of someone who has cracked the code, willing to show you secret formulas proven in the marketplace can jumpstart success. Entrepreneurs want hands-on, concrete information that makes your life simple without putting demands on your time. You want practical systems that work automatically.

At the close of a large conference last year, I gave attendees a system for planning that was so helpful, I got a standing ovation. I thought, "What if I offered a workshop where people walk away with everything needed to create cash flow. Not just "great ideas" you must decipher later. You are in control. You put it out to the people who want it and are willing to pay for it.

One of the many marketing ideas I help attendees discover in my workshops is "The Five C's". No these aren't the same five C's in diamond advertising but they will help you grow wealthier.

  • Love Your Customer
  • Be Congruent
  • Have Clarity
  • Do emotionally Compelling marketing
  • Avoid Confusion

Love Your Customer


This means more than great customer service. Most people are so enraptured with their product or service; they never determine who their ideal customer is. They waste time trying to attract everyone, educating skeptics who will never buy, rather than focus on individuals perfect for your product or service.

When I ask, "What makes your customer or client tick?" they are often at a loss. After considering that question they realize their energy is going into learning everything possible about the product and almost nothing about the customer.

It's easy to get caught up in the passion of a product, process or idea. It's concrete and there is no risk of rejection. It takes vision to determine what you do and who you do it for. This helps you put out one message focused on the people who are right for you.

Have a Clear Message That Makes it Easy for Customers to Say "Yes"
Be clear. Create a succinct, passionate message to share in one-on-one meetings such as at networking groups. Many people call this "an elevator speech." If you were riding an elevator and noticed you were with someone who could help boost your business, what would you say? If you can't sum up who you are and what you do in ten seconds, you're unclear. You're hoping potential customers will interpret and decide if it's right for them. Not good. Figure it out and offer it in a way they want to receive it. As you gain clarity you will attract more of the right people to your business.

Do Emotionally Compelling Marketing

The most valuable information you can share with people about is you. Your experience and how you overcame obstacles or challenges with your product or service can be compelling. People will see themselves in your story and feel, "Wow! If it worked for her maybe it will work for me, too." I believe in marketing that makes people say, "I gotta have that." It's emotionally compelling and tells a story about how you or others solved a problem with your product or service.

Most people teach advertising should be brief – because people are in a hurry. That's what I learned in college. It's not always true. If people are interested in what you have you can't tell them too much. If they're not interested, it's impossible to be too brief.

Taking a fresh look at your customers and the problems your product or service solves as well as the benefits you offer can result in an exciting, compelling marketing message that will create the cash flow you deserve. This is what I help people do.

Be Congruent in Every Aspect of Your Marketing

In marketing, being congruent means more than integrity and walking your talk. People sense when the smallest nuance is out of place. They can tell when you care less about them and more about selling your product. You may not be aware of it, but it's like trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. The energy isn't flowing effortlessly because you're wasting time attracting the wrong people. This creates a "disconnect" between you and potential customers because you don't understand them. You're incongruent. Get your marketing message flowing in one smooth direction towards the individuals who are ideal for you and it will become effortless.


Avoid Confusion That Results in a "No"

A confused mind always says, "no." Because we are bombarded with so many choices we must say no to most of them. If your message is confusing people will say "no." You could have exactly what they want, but if they don't understand how it solves their problem the answer will still be "no." You have seven seconds to grab someone's attention. Keep checking to make sure your message is congruent, clear, emotionally compelling and avoids confusion.

I am a stickler about honoring my promises and I make sure the people who come to my workshops leave with what they've been missing. There are formulas that make it work, but they must be applied to your specific situation. That's what I help you do.

In a supportive environment with an expert to guide you, it can be done in three days. Here are some of the pieces needed to create Five-C Marketing:

  • A mission statement that reflects your business, your way
  • A unique selling proposition that draws in new customers
  • A profile of your ideal customer and what it takes to attract them
  • A sales letter, website content and/or brochure that makes customers eager to buy from you
  • Internet strategies on a shoestring that draw in new business
  • Amazing ideas that will make customers eager to buy from you.
  • Tips to help build your credibility, get free publicity and turn your business into a fun, highly profitable one.

These are just a few secrets to having a business in the flow of money and wealth.

Carpenters say "measure twice and cut once." Marketing is a lot like that. When you discover how your product or service is right for your ideal customer you will have cracked the code leading to greater success and more freedom and fun in your life.


Denise M. Michaels has shared the platform with Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen. She helps entrepreneurs create unique, emotionally-compelling marketing messages and a customized plan at her "No-Fluff Marketing Magic Workshop." For more information go to

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