The words are probably crossing your mind right now. “Sure genius, my brain lets me know I need to eat, so that’s what I do (and probably more often than I should).” Then bingo! The love handles, thunder thighs, and the ever infamous muffin top we have all grown to love, right? Wrong! You would never actually know it, but there’s a little spot in your brain that is possibly sending messages throughout your body to not just eat junk food, but eat lots of it.

“What in the world is this little piece in my brain and how do I get it removed?” you might be thinking. The area is known as the hypothalamus gland; unfortunately getting it removed is not the answer because doing that might lead to even more issues. For example, getting it removed could lead to death. It’s true, and although the size of a peanut, this gland is a very important part of your brain that is vital to the functionality of your body. This gland when thrown off balance (which is actually quite easy) can contribute many problems, one of which could be some not so ideal lumps in areas they shouldn’t be in.

The hypothalamus’s function is to link the endocrine system up with the nervous system. The endocrine system is a combination of several glands and organs, like the thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, pituitary, and some others, is the system that controls most of your weight. Problems with the hypothalamus can wreak havoc on your whole system and can increase food cravings, slow your metabolism, and cause your body to store what are called “secure fat reserves”.

The body stores these so called “secure fat reserves” in the most problematic areas and considers fat in those areas to be types of fat that is last in line to be burned up. This is the reason why normal diets that advise you to reduce calories or prohibit certain foods don’t work. Another interesting point is that because the hypothalamus gland primarily controls the body’s weight set point, it explains why when such diets are finished most people gain back the weight that they had loss during the diet.

Why then does a normal properly functioning gland turn into something that becomes detrimental to your health? There’s many reasons why this can happen, either directly or indirectly the gland can become overworked is a primary reason. To name a few ways the gland can become overworked, we can begin with the fact that most of us lack simple exercise on a daily basis like walking, having a clogged colon, not taking in the right types of nutrients, eating excessively refined foods that have all kinds of chemicals and growth hormones in them. Over time and especially the last few decades the problem has become increasingly and obviously worse with the many changes to our food system being designed in a way to make extreme profits, and not so much extremely healthy food.

With much thanks, like most other sicknesses you can get, the gland behind it all can slowly be brought back to proper functionality. Because the food we eat is a primary reason as to why the gland becomes problematic, a simple change to organically grown foods and avoidance of the refined and overly processed foods can have a huge helping impact. It might also be helpful to consider a simple cleanse of the liver, colon, and detoxing candida and parasites.

Simple workout routines like walking or riding a bike each day will also help tremendously. What you should strive to do is to reset your hypothalamus gland which is treating the cause not just a symptom. This obviously will take a lot of work as many mental adjustments are necessary, yet it’s possible. This one step in the right direction could lead you down a path of weight loss and better life long health.

About the Author:

Keeping healthy and incorporating some of these suggestions into your everyday Workout Routines will help enhance your weight loss and exercise results. A great tool to help you with weight loss is Power 90 the 90 day complete body boot camp by Beachbody.

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