Why is it taking so long to lose this weight… I’ve been working out for five days.

Is this ever going to cook… it’s been in the oven for fifteen minutes.

Am I ever going to be a millionaire… I’ve had this business for a year now.

What is taking so long… I’ve been on hold for two minutes.

The above statements are sad… but true. We live in a world today that some people refer to as a ‘fast food world.’ That’s an insult in itself, but it’s true. I mean, if I were a cook I wouldn’t want my food compared to the quality of a fast food restaurant. Would you?

In today’s society, we want everything and we want it NOW! And we really don’t want to have to do anything to get it. You may be an exception to the rule, but in general this is today’s mentality. Just look at what’s being marketed to us everyday.

Prescriptions – if you have this symptom, take this and you’ll feel fine (bullshit, the symptom may be gone, but the problem still exists) There are certain circumstances when prescription drugs are needed, but there’s a reason these big pharmaceutical companies spend more on marketing than they do on R&D.

Weight-loss – Weight loss is a HUGE market(no pun intended) but there’s no pill that will ever make you thin that doesn’t kill you, and eating frozen meals six times a day is not only unhealthy, but you can’t do it forever. Get off your ass, get into the gym or start a workout program at home, and start to eat healthier. That’s the only way you will EVER get permanent, lasting results. It’s about a lifestyle change, not weight loss.

Fast food – I have to admit, there’s a lot of fast food out there that taste damn good. If you must eat fast food, then make it a treat once or twice a week. But once you start to eat healthy, it’ll be hard to stomach that crap because of the taste and your tummy will not want that shit in there. It’s fast but it’s bad.

Drugs/Alcohol – Oh yeah baby…give me another hit. In today’s world you are probably feeling a lot of stress. Finances are tight for a lot of people and most people work a job they hate. Then they have to come home to a family, which they probably love, but families are demanding. It’s tempting to get on the ‘so called’ easy street and escape for awhile, but drugs and alcohol only take the problems away for a short period of time. Precisely for the duration of your insobriety, if at all. Most of the time, the avenues of ‘escape’ just make the problem worse. Stay away from these temptations…unless you want to intensify your problems, then be my guest.

Income opportunities – This is a BIG one, especially during these financial times. Everyone is touting their get rich quick scheme and you have to be really, really careful not to get suckered, especially if your situation is dire. Don’t get me wrong, there are legitimate opportunities out there, and you can make money faster than ever these days, but DO YOUR HOMEWORK! With the internet and technology we have today, and with a little bit of leg work, you can find out a lot about someone in a very short period of time. But you have to be willing to do the work.

I know I have haven’t covered everything out there. But if you will look at the list above, and be honest, I think you will agree that almost everything we consider a quick fix, is bad for us. You need to really look at what your problems/issues are and decide the best way to fix them is. NOT the quickest or easiest. The quick fix usually ends up being the worse fix causing more things that need fixed.

On this page I offer only tested, proven and researched solutions, what you do with them is up to you. This is the greatest thing going for fitness right now…and this is the best meal replacement product on the market today. Just look at what doctors are saying about it.

Make your life great and do the right thing.

Stay in motion,

Dana Houser


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