Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve”
Napoleon Hill

Can I Really Lose Weight Using The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a very powerful force that works in your life whether you know about it or believe it or not. Whether you have heard about it or not depends on ‘who you hang out with and what you read’ so as to speak. What the Law of Attraction can do is unlimited and to use the power is FREE!

Show me one person who feels that they would not benefit from knowing how to use these Unlimited Cosmic Powers without spending any money at all, and I will show you a hundred who will.

In a moment, you are going to read a very brief introduction to the Law of Attraction. It is a great way to get started in understanding what it is and how it works. You are also going to also discover just how you too can make use of this awesome universal power for a topic close to the heart of many people around the world, and that is how to lose weight.

The Law of Attraction

The thoughts and feelings you choose to focus on the most will determine your experienes in life and also your future”

On a very basic level, the Law of Attraction says that “Like Attracts Like”. What this means is that the thoughts and feelings you choose to focus on the most will determine your experiences in life and also your future.

Did you know that the Law of Attraction has been working for you and every other life form in on the planet since the start of time? It is only quite recently that in depth information on the incredible power of the Law of Attraction has become easily available to everyday people and how to use its power is still unknown to masses around the world.

Looking to Lose Some Weight?

If you are looking to lose some weight and you are reading this special report right now, you are probably beginning to wonder just how the Law of Attraction can possibly assist you in losing weight.

It’s quite easy. So easy that I will forgive you if you don’t believe this at first :. What you need to do is think about it, i.e. losing weight!

You can think about losing weight right?

If you were expecting something more complicated and difficult I am sorry to disappoint you because it is just this easy. The problem many people have is in thinking. There is a wrong way and a right way to think

Law of Attraction Thinking … The Right Way

You are going to discover just how to think the right way that will get you the results you want and eliminate frustration in your attempt to lose weight using the Law of Attraction.

With this ‘insider’ knowledge, you are going to be able to use it to help yourself with your health, fitness and your weight loss goals.

Let’s get started…

You remember that earlier on I mentioned that the Law of Attraction has been working basically ‘since forever’? If that’s the case, you might be wondering why you have not lost any weight or your desired amount of weight yet.

It is the exact same e question that you could ask about pretty much any other goal that you have ever had in life, including earning more money, being in a happy relationship and so on.

If all we have to do is think about something in order to bring it into our lives, then why aren’t we all rich, perfectly healthy, and living happily ever after?

The Truth

The answer is simple and is the truth many do not want to hear.

Most people, even without being aware of it, don’t really think about what they DO want. They think more about the fact that they DON’T actually have it.

Does this ring a bell with you? I certainly know the feeling!

Remember the Law of Attraction definition from earlier on? Remember that you read that “Like Attracts Like”

When you understand this truth, then you will understand the reason why many folks don’t have the things that they want. It is because all concentration is spent focusing on NOT having things.

Weight Loss

This very same concept applies to health and losing weight just the same way that it applies to anything else you cam imagine.

So many people honestly want to lose weight, however, rather than think about how good life will be once you have lost the weight, you are thinking more about how miserable you are because you HAVEN’T lost the weight!

Just think about it…

Do you need to lose weight? If you do, then which of the following statements honestly describes your thoughts and your feelings when you step in front of a mirror when not wearing any clothes?

  • “I am so sexy since I have my weight under control, and I have an unlimited amount of confidence. I can date anyone that I please and my biggest problem is deciding which little tiny piece of clothing to wear to the beach or the swimming pool.
  • “I am ever so fat and out of shape! I hate to look at myself in the mirror. So how can I expect anyone else to want to look at me? I’ll be lucky if I don’t have to take my clothing size up another notch or two at the rate I’m going!!!

You need to be totally honest with yourself to get any benefit out of this.

Which of those 2 statements comes closer to the way that people who need to lose weight think of themselves? Closer to what you might be thinking about yourself?

Referring back to the Law of Attraction…

If you think sad, low self-esteem, miserable or guilty powered thoughts, the Law of Attraction will go ahead and dutifully deliver to you more things to feel exactly the same way about.

The truth is, the more miserable you are about any particular subject – in this case your weight loss, the more powerfully you are going to attract more of the same, since that is your main focus.

The Answer

The answer to using the true power of the Law of Attraction to lose weight is to simply STOP thinking about your current situation in such a negative way!

Start thinking confident and positive thoughts.

Think thoughts of happiness, being able to showing more skin at the beach and smaller clothing sizes.

Successfully do those things and the Law of Attraction will start to move things around that will affect your life. Sooner rather than later, you are going to have whatever it is that you need for you to get in shape.


You betcha!

It might come in the form of a workout partner, a free gym membership or maybe a piece of home exercise equipment that you actually want to use.

Your new motivation to get involved in some sort of physical activity can come from any source including ones you are not even aware of right now.

The thing you can be sure about is that whatever the Law of Attraction delivers will be something that is going to put you firmly on the path to the weight loss goal (and any other goals you decide to focus on) you desire.


How is all this going to happen?

That’s not for you to worry about. There is nothing to gain from worrying about HOW the details are going to happen in your life. Because the HOW’S with the Law of Attraction are the domain of the Universe.

Don’t worry about HOW you are going to lose weight. Simply feel the confident and positive emotions that are going to make it happen and the Universe will follow through and reveal the path you need to take.

Here’s to your success. Have a better and better day!

About the Author:

Lourdes Elardo-Gant, International Law of Attraction Coach, http://www.lawofattractioninnercircle.com/freecourse

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