"I've just been diagnosed with cancer and I'm going in for surgery," my sister said on the other end of the phone.

My mind was reeling. I clutched the phone, took a breath, and tried to speak. But before I could say a word, Renee began telling me survivor stories and the actions they took to fight cancer and win.

For the next 20 minutes she narrates survivor story after story and how she is implementing in her own life what each of the survivors did.

Today, Renee is completely cancer-free and is one of the survivors she studied and talked so much about.

I believe Renee became a survivor the day she decided to ACT like one.

It's the same for you and me. We become an entrepreneur when we decide to ACT like one. We become a multi-millionaire when we begin ACTING like one. We become happily married when we ACT like one. We become a great mom or dad when we begin to ACT like one!

I read an article in Psychology Today that reported a study done about human behavior and success. While the article spoke about the importance of positive affirmations and thought, this was not what made the greatest difference in the people studied.

The people in the study who experienced the greatest – and most rapid – success were the people who changed the way they behaved. In other words, they "acted out" the results they wanted. The conclusion of the study was:

"People don't think their way into positive actions as fast as they ACT their way into positive thinking."

What about you? Do your ACTIONS look like they belong to a person who is healthy, wealthy, and wise? Or do they look like they come from a person who is sick, bankrupt, and dense?

You'll stop thinking small when you stop acting small.

Several months ago I went to Nordstrom with my daughter Auriana. After a day of shopping we walk into the coffee shop and I lay eyes on the most amazing peanut butter and chocolate dessert. I'm salivating as I suggest to Auriana that we treat ourselves and split it. When she turns me down I reluctantly order just a coffee and reject the tempting dessert.

A few minutes later a gentleman in his late 70's walks over to our table. "I could tell how much you wanted this," he says as he places the peanut butter and chocolate delicacy in front of me. "Let me treat you today."

That dessert only cost the man a few dollars. But the impact it made on both Auriana and me was profound.

Several months later, Auriana is in the mall with her cousin. They decide to have lunch in the food court. When it was time to pay for their order, Auriana pulls out her money and announces she wants to treat her to lunch!

On the same day I'm at a convention in New Orleans. I'm in a long line at Starbucks waiting to order my cappuccino when the lady behind me strikes up a conversation. When it is finally my turn to order, I tell the guy behind the counter to put this lady's cappuccino on my bill. You would have thought I bought her a convertible Jaguar!

You know what? That cappuccino only cost me three dollars and fifty cents. The lunch only cost Auriana six dollars. The dessert only cost the man a couple of bucks. What a small price to pay for the rich feeling that these actions produce.

Are your actions rich?

You'll begin thinking big when you start acting big.

Let's say you want to become a millionaire. Begin by making a list of behaviors that you believe exemplify millionaires. Ask yourself:

How do millionaires walk into a room? How do they greet people? Introduce themselves? Treat their spouse or children? How do millionaires dress? Shake people's hand? Get into and out of a car?

When you can answer the question, "How do millionaires behave?" and then begin behaving in that manner, you will 'ACT' yourself into positive thinking and increase your chances of attracting opportunities that will ensure you become a millionaire.

Here's the fascinating part…

It doesn't matter if the behaviors you think millionaires have are true or not. It only matters that they are aligned with your values and that they are YOUR beliefs. When you begin implementing these actions something triggers in your subconscious that YOU are a millionaire.

Can you see how repetitive, daily actions of what you believe millionaires do will connect YOU and MILLIONAIRE?

Create your list of behaviors of the healthy, wealthy and wise. What behaviors do millionaires have? What are the behaviors of happily married people? What are the behaviors of healthy people? What are the behaviors of great moms and dads?

Begin implementing these behaviors in your every day life and you will ACT your way to success!

You'll begin thinking big when you start acting big.



Lisa Jimenez M.Ed. has helped thousands of people eliminate their hidden fears and turn them into the driving force behind their success. Lisa's Quantum Leap Coaching (QLC) Program is an intense six-month accountability plan that will motivate and inspire you to create and live your dreams. You'll radically increase your business, improve yourself, and live a life you love! For more information on her programs and resources go to: www.RX-Success.com or call (954) 755-3670 or (800) 489-7391.

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