Why are you here? What is the purpose of your life?

Every one of us is faced with this question. To create great wealth and accomplish great dreams, you have to find the answer to these questions. More importantly, to live a happy and fulfilled life, you have to answer these questions.

In her upcoming book, The Passion Test: Discovering Your Personal Secrets to Living a Life On Fire,, Janet tells the story of how she discovered her own passion, starting at the earliest age:

"I was only about 8 years old at the time. I used to lie in bed at night waiting for everyone in my family to go to sleep. I would then quietly sneak outside and once again enter my imaginary world. This was my favorite time of day. Underneath the corner street light, my world became a brightly lit stage. It was here that I revealed my deepest desires, always pretending the same thing: I was a beautiful, world-famous actress performing to thousands of ardent admirers. Into the quiet of the early morning, I would sing and dance with total abandon. There on my street corner stage, I felt truly alive and free.

"Whenever my aunts and uncles came to visit, I always made sure Dad had me dance and sing for them. How my brother and sister hated me whenever Dad gathered everyone in the living room for my Broadway show! At that moment, Mickey and Johnny would run out the back door in total embarrassment.

"After all, I couldn’t sing on tune and I didn’t know how to dance. Yet my love for performing in front of anyone far outweighed any insecurity I might feel in the talent department. Without a moment’s hesitation, I would entertain anyone who came to visit."

Dharma – The Greatest Secret of Success

Pay attention to the things you love to do, and you'll find the seeds of your individual destiny. Notice the skills you naturally have and you'll discover another set of clues. Pay attention to your values, the principles that drive your life and now the picture is becoming clearer.

Janet loves to connect with people, to make people happy, and that showed up from her earliest years. As she got older, she found that she has an innate talent for bringing people together and sharing her love. She also discovered that nothing matters to her quite so much as making a positive difference in the world. Today she lives her destiny, speaking before thousands of people, writing books that inspire and uplift, and connecting top authors, speakers, trainers and entrepreneurs from around the world through her company Enlightened Alliances.

Dharma is sometimes translated in English as "duty." Yet the word duty connotes a burden. It's a heavy word. In contrast, dharma connotes alignment, congruence. It means living life in accord with natural law so that your life supports your own evolution and growth as well as that of those around you. To live your dharma is to live your destiny.

The basis of enlightened wealth is life lived in accord with dharma. Dharmic life depends on Self-knowledge, and that is why we call "Self-knowledge" the foundation of Enlightened Wealth. Such Self-knowledge has two aspects:

  1. Understanding and direct experience of the fundamental unity of life.
  2. Understanding the role, i.e. your destiny, in glorifying life by creating greater abundance through the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and/or material aspects of life. Implicit in this understanding is the knowledge that your destiny is to increase abundance in at least one of these areas.

You are here to glorify this world and those with whom you interact. How will you do that? Look to what you love to do, to the things you are skilled at doing, and the values and principles which define your life, and you will have the clues to your personal destiny.

Living your destiny means staying open, no matter what changes happen in your life. On March 13-14, Chris and Janet will be leading a 2-day seminar in Cincinnati, OH on "How to Stay Open in the Midst of Change." In these two days you will learn:

  • 7 simple, yet powerfully effective steps to quickly recover from the emotional distress of sudden change
  • To communicate clearly and effectively in delicate situations
  • 4 questions to undo limiting beliefs that prevent you from living life with passion and purpose
  • Powerful tools for staying open no matter what comes up
  • A simple system for guaranteeing your results
  • Your 5 personal secrets to living a happy, fulfilled life


To enroll in the March 13-14 workshop, go to: http://mcgrane.com/AttwoodSeminar.htm or call (859) 341-2216 for more information.

Janet and Chris Attwood run Enlightened Alliances, a marketing company dedicated to creating relationships, which improve the world. They work with some of the most successful people in America: Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Robert Allen who has written 5 NY Times best sellers, multimillionaire T. Harv Eker famed for his Millionaire Mind Intensives, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Dr. Pankaj Naram, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Jay Abraham and others.
Visit www.thepassiontest.com for more details.
Contact: chrisandjanet@enlightenedalliances.com

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