Did you enjoy your morning today? Did you wake up with a sigh of contentment or a groan of despair? How many times did you hit the snooze button?

All of these measure the happiness of our lives. Letting us know whether or not we are just going through the motions or actually Living Life to its Fullest.

And that after all is what we are in search of, right? A better life. Well let me share with you my story of 'Coming Home.'

When my children were very young, my husband was in the navy and often away at sea. We had very little money, but I sacrificed material things to stay at home with my little ones.

One day however, all that changed, and I struck off to the big city with the temptation of a well paying job and good intentions. Can you guessed what happened?

For the first 30 days I was extremely happy. I had more money, the kids were with a baby sitter, I had time to myself, and I was at an exciting, new job where I could 'make a difference.' And I was in the most powerful city in the world. What could go wrong?

Well I could give you all of the Amelia Bedelia details, but needless to say, I was not quite so happy after 60 days. You see, I had never had a real job after I got out of college. I went straight to wife and motherhood.

Most of the things that I had on my resume were volunteer things that I had done with my kids. Sure I had some very basic experience, but nothing that prepared me for the workforce 9 to 5, or 7am to 10pm-you pick.

And so there I was, my husband, out to sea. My expenses tripled, my good paying job *poof* gone. And a scramble to get something, anything to pay all those expenses.

So I settled. Settled for anything that would help me maintain the lifestyle that I was seeking. Settled for much, much less than I had originally started with.

And there I was stuck in the perpetual grudge match: the rat race. That horrible, vicious cycle of snooze buttons, waking alarms, snatching children out bed, grabbing/skipping breakfast, running to the sitters, running to commute, running to work, endless work. Running on empty.

But, THEN, miracle of miracles. I found another job, it paid better, it was my calling. I was getting paid a better wage, I was talking to powerful people in the very big pond, helping out where it mattered. Learning the news before the general public. I was on top of the world. For 30 days.

And then, you know what happened. No I didn't get fired. Or laid off. I had actually learned the hard way to get work done. But I was indeed working.

Do you see the vicious cycle at work here? Well, in the next article, I will go into detail about this cycle of passive employment.

Needless to say, many mistakes later and dollars shorter, with a little bit older kids, I came home again. Sacrificing material things. My husband out of the navy. With a little more money from his job. A new family friendly community to live in and a new start.

I did what every dutiful mother is supposed to do. I put my children in private school, signed them up for extra curricular activities, and played chauffeur.

Except that with older children in school and a quiet household, what's a mother to do? Clean all day? No, of course not, who wants to do that??? Yuck.

I was very specific at the temp agency. The hours I would work, what type of work I wanted, where it needed to be in proximity of my home and how much I would need to make. Typically this type of detail would severely limit any type of job offer I would receive, if any at all.

They called me back within 2 hours. Sigh. Do I need tell what happened next? I was excited, the kids were at school, I was called to do meaningful work, I got paid a decent wage.

I was talking to powerful people within the small pond. Learning the news before the general public, helping create newsworthy events. I was so happy. For 30 days.

In any case, I will never again work for someone else. Who best knows what type of work meets my lifestyle? Who should I ask for 4 weeks vacation? Who should I ask for a raise? Who should be responsible for my health benefits? Me all around.

By taking control of all areas of your life. You will in essence set yourself free from the time constraints of someone else.

Does this mean you should quit your job tomorrow and be a free spirit? Noo, sorry. You need to plan it out. (Sorry free spirits;) Stay tuned next time, for the basic plan to come home.


Angi Lipsit is a home schooling mother of two, a small business owner, freelance writer, and artist. She operates the Bright Idea Gazette (www.brightideagazette.com) that helps moms who want to come home, start their own business, and build a better life.

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