New Page 1

Recently I
bought a new reading lamp. It's a beautiful lamp but the light bulb provided is
dim. The light is low and I strain to read or work and whatever I'm doing takes
more effort. So I replaced the low wattage bulb with a higher wattage bulb and
instantly that same lamp, that same electricity is releasing more light. All I
did was change the bulb's wattage. I increased its capacity to release light and
now it's a joy to read and work by the lamp's light.


Our ideas are
like light bulbs. We decide how brightly we shine by the quality and size of the
ideas we choose.


How brightly is
our bulb burning? What can we do today to release more light?


Here are some
questions I've found helpful.


What am I
grateful for?

What can I do
to help others?

What makes me
say "wow" and fills me with enthusiasm?

What can I do
to increase the service I am providing in all I do?

Are the
thoughts I'm choosing and thinking moving me in the direction of my "wow"?


I spend a few
minutes each morning and evening asking myself these questions and
brain-storming ideas. Each week I test the new ideas and apply the ones that
shine brightly.


We always have
a choice: Small idea small light. Big idea big light. By choosing big, bold
beautiful ideas we will flood our path with brilliant light: a light bright
enough to help others on their journey.


What is
your idea?


Email me:



About the


Mike Scogna is
helping people worldwide understand their purpose, create their vision, realize
their goals and achieve exceptional results through his writing, speaking,
consulting, seminars and television documentaries. 


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© 2007 Mike
Scogna. All rights reserved.  You may forward this article in its entirety to
anyone you wish; please include the byline and website link.


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preview of my video interview with a 95 year old Art Linkletter,  please click
the link below:


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