1. Take a Stand:

If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything. If you do not have a course, every wind will blow against you. Take a stand, pick a course, and commit to it.


2. Persist:

When things don’t workout exactly as you expected; give it another try. Because if you stop now, all of the sweat that you have poured, all of the sacrifices that you have made, and all of the time you have invested will be for nothing.


3. What’s holding you back:

Is it your fear to look inadequate? Or perhaps what others might say or think about you? There’s only one way to avoid criticism. That’s by doing nothing, saying nothing, being nothing, and amounting to nothing.


4. Face it:

We cannot run forever. A fire is not extinguished by running away, but on the contrary the longer it burns the bigger it will become. Face that which you are putting off, before it grows out of control.

5. Your Attitude:

You will come across inevitable obstacles in your life. Don’t blame them for what you never accomplished. For your challenges can only stop you temporarily; only you can stop yourself permanently.


6. First Impression:

Everything initially appears a little harder than it actually is. Do not turn back. It’s only the first impression. Nothing is as hard as it seems. Things will get easier. How would you know? You won’t unless you stick to it till the end.


7. Not So Easy:

Things worth having hardly ever come easy. So realize that it’s not going to be that easy, but again if it were then what would be the point of going for it.


8. Focus:

If you focus on the future, you don’t need to fear the present. If you focus on the present, you don’t need to fear the future. The question is what are you going to focus on? You should focus on whatever empowers you the most.


9. Painful:

In the midst of chaos, moving forward can be painful, but it will be far less painful than quitting, than withdrawing, than backing out. Massive success comes only after we refuse to give in.


PO Box 43577
Upper Montclair
NJ 07043
Tel: 973-281-9082
Fax: 775-719-7670
e-mail: everydaymotivator@hotmail.com
Web: www.TheCubanGuy.com

8 years ago, Age 16, he:

  • Escaped from Cuba
  • Spoke no English
  • Had no parents
  • Was Homeless

Today, Age 24, he is:

  • Nationally Known Speaker

  • Founder of Insp. Time Magazine.
  • Author of Several Books
  • CEO of A. Success Training, Inc.

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