Whether you realize it or not, you have a financial prosperity setpoint that is determining your income level and overall prosperity level. I didn’t invent the concept of a financial thermostat, but it’s an important one that I want to share with you this week.

Years ago I read a fantastic book by T. Harv Ecker called Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. If you haven’t read it yet, get it ASAP and read it. It’s a great (critical even) book for everyone. In this book, Ecker writes that our financial lives are ruled by our “programming”. Where did most of your beliefs around money, wealth and prosperity come from? From the people who raised, taught, and cared for you. Because you absorbed these beliefs at a young age, they are buried in your subconscious. This can make them hard to identify, but it can be done, if you are willing.

No matter their origin, our beliefs around money and our self-worth collectively act like a financial thermostat. We have a financial setpoint, just like we set room temperature on a thermostat, and though the temperate can fluctuate a little bit, the thermostat detects this, and then kicks on A/C or heater, which then brings the room back to the set temperature. I think it’s a good analogy. I incorporated the idea in to my Creating Wealth from the Inside Out home study course, and figured out some ways to help people set a new, higher financial setpoint. I will share one of these techniques with you below.

Most people are sabotaging their success all day long, without even knowing it, because of the programs they have running 24/7 about money, and about their own worthiness (or feeling a lack thereof). It is not possible to be unworthy, in truth. We are all worthy. Every one of us, without exception. Yes, even YOU.

But it is certainly possible not to believe that we are worthy, and many of us feel that way. Feeling undeserving of good things is
a major obstacle, and it’s not one that is cleared overnight, especially if we picked up beliefs around worthiness from our early childhood, when these idea can really sink in and become subconscious programs that run the show later as adults.

Becoming aware of our attitudes, beliefs, and opinions, and assumptions about money is absolutely vital, so we can begin
to replace them with programs that will attract prosperous circumstances instead of repel them.

All of these thoughts and beliefs collectively determine and create our financial setpoint, which is the income range that we are comfortable within, and it matches our thoughts and beliefs and expectations.

Like a thermostat on your house, if you get outside of that range, mechanisms kick in to bring us back to our financial setpoint,
and that is why we experience setbacks and emergencies and seemingly random events that set us back. Or sometimes propel us forward, if we have improved our setpoint. The events aren’t the problem (or solution), our financial setpoint is. Change the setpoint and things work themselves out.

That’s why the vast majority of lottery winners end up broke a few years after they win. Their setpoint isn’t high enough, and
so they squander it all. (Read this Lottery winner article). So to raise our setpoints permanently, we have to really dig into ourselves, to dredge up stories from our past, recall events where money played a powerful role. We have to try to recall what our parents told us verbally about money, and what they taught us non-verbally, through their energy, through their actions, and through their habits. Through their fears. Whoever raised you, it doesn’t matter who it was, some, if not most of their beliefs around money and prosperity got into your head, and it is affecting you now.

So how do we raise our financial setpoint? Well, first we have to set the intention to do so, and then it requires self-analysis. We have to be willing to be introspective and document our beliefs and opinions and program about money and our relationship to it.

When we document our beliefs, we can analyze them objectively (or as close as possible to objectively), and then ask ourselves “is this belief serving me? Is it the belief I want to hang onto? Is this a belief I would be willing to pass on to my kids?” When we identify beliefs or habits that don’t serve, we have to be willing to replace them with better thoughts, ideas or habits that do serve us better. This is how you change your financial or prosperity setpoint.

Fortunately, in my experience, a person can make rapid forward progress just by identifying the key beliefs that are doing them
the most damage. Things like “the love of money is the root of all evil”. That’s a huge belief, and if you have that one, even in part, you’re going to hold yourself back, because no one really wants to be evil. So if you can uproot some big beliefs like that one, you’re doing yourself, and the world a massive favor!

Here are some key things to know about your financial prosperity setpoint:

  • It exists, and it’s based on your conscious and subconscious beliefs
  •  Like a home thermostat, it regulates your overall prosperity level, within a range
  • When you get outside of that range, it kicks in to bring you back into the range. This can explain why most setbacks happen.
  • The setpoint works with the Law of Attraction, attracting the people and circumstances that you interact with who“assist you” to come back within into your financial setpoint range, if you get outside of this range.
  •  How to know what your financial setpoint is set to? Simply take your personal income for the last 3 years, and average it out, and that will give you a pretty good idea of what yours is set to.
  • There are “prosperity experiences” waiting for you, but you are not a match to those experiences yet. And when you are, when your setpoint is set higher, the thermostat will kick on and cause more income to flow into your experience.
  • It is possible to have temporary big changes in your income level, like in the case of winning the lottery or getting an inheritance, things like that, but we always return to our financial prosperity setpoint fairly quickly.
  • The bottom line is that unless you change your setpoint, you won’t experience long term financial security.

Now, about changing it. Below is an exercise you can do to identify any negative emotions you have around money.

Money Emotions Exercise

This exercise is designed to raise your awareness of any strong emotions you may currently be feeling around money and
finances, etc. write out your answers (essay style) to the following questions. Remember, there are no wrong answers, so be brutally honest with yourself.

1. When it comes to money, I feel angry or resentful about:

2. When it comes to money, I feel fear or worry because:

3. When it comes to money, I feel shame or guilt over:

4. When it comes to money, I should apologize for:

5. When it comes to money, I feel depressed or sad about:

6. When it comes to money, I feel embarrassment or shame about:

Now that you have your answers, simply ask yourself, for each of the 6 questions, what beliefs might I be holding that give rise to, create, or allow this negative emotion?

Write down anything that comes to mind, and you will have identified some of your key beliefs that are determining your
financial prosperity setpoint.

These beliefs are contributing to your financial prosperity setpoint. Congratulations on identifying them. On our weekly call, we will talk about what to do to actually change your financial prosperity setpoint.

If you feel comfortable doing so, I recommend you post any insights you may have as a result of this exercise to the Facebook group for feedback, support, and discussion.

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