Selling isn't always easy, and although there are several methods to convince a person to take you up on your offer, many times, these strategies we here just don't work. But this strategy we're going to be covering in this video DOES work, and the best thing about it is, if you do it right, it can help a lot more people, too.
Let's uncover what the strategy is, break it down, and let's make some money and help more people, too!
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple of podcasts that I personally host (with over 65 million combined downloads) that will help you on your online business journey:
The Smart Passive Income Podcast:
AskPat (these are real life business coaching calls):
Also, have you thought about starting your own podcast? Check out my famous podcasting tutorial here on YouTube, the #1 podcasting tutorial on the platform:
The podcasting equipment I use:
My video and live streaming equipment:
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Cheers, and as always, #teamflynnforthewin