by Heide Creduer | Health and Fitness
To understand the symptoms of low ferritin levels, it helps to know what ferritin is and what role it plays in your body. Ferritin is an iron storage protein found in the liver, skeletal muscle, bone marrow, and intestinal mucosa. Ferritin makes the iron non-toxic to...
by Suzy Buglewicz | Health and Fitness
Earlier this year, Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health reported that business travelers who spend the most time on the road have higher rates of obesity and rate their health as worse than those who travel infrequently. If you’re a...
by Jon Bjarnason | Health and Fitness
Have you ever thought about how much time you actually spend sitting in an average day? I bet you haven’t. Office workers will spend anywhere from six to seven hours per day sitting. Then you have to add the time it takes to commute back and forth to work,...
by Kac Young | Health and Fitness
Okay, so you want to get healthy. You know you should but you don’t know where to start. You’re busy. You don’t feel like you can take the time to learn a whole bunch of new things and yet you know you should be watching your calories, watching your...
by Mirabai Holland, MFA © 2014 | Health and Fitness
With this summer’s heat wave in full sizzle, it’s time to jump in the water and cool off as best you can. Here are three Aqua toning exercises you can do at the beach, the lake or the pool. Aqua Exercises: Stand in water shoulder height with your feet at...
by Mirabai Holland, MFA © 2014 | Health and Fitness
With this summer’s heat wave in full sizzle, it’s time to jump in the water and cool off as best you can. Here are three Aqua toning exercises you can do at the beach, the lake or the pool. Aqua Exercises: Stand in water shoulder height with your feet at...
by Elizabeth Medina | Health and Fitness
Effortless weight loss diets have existed since the beginning when man or woman first took a look at their bellies and said, I need to get rid of this fatness right away. Even though time has shown us that quick weight loss diets usually result in limited weight loss,...
by Jane Clements | Health and Fitness
People are becoming more health conscious these days and they are spending more time and money on health and fitness. If you think you are not meeting the specific fitness goals you have set for yourself, it is best to hire your own coach. You need professionals to...
by Tony | Health and Fitness
People who smoke on a daily bases know how difficult it is to quit smoking. The reason why it is so hard to give up smoking is that you get so used to the gesture that it becomes a part of your routine. At the same time, if most of your friends smoke, the temptation...
by Mirabai Holland, MFA © 2014 | Health and Fitness
Was it Einstein who said "I talk to myself in order to have an intelligent conversation"? Maybe it was Buddha. Anyhow, I'm in a conversation with myself right now. I'm trying to knock off a few winter pounds, (If you think being a fitness pro makes you...
by Leroy Lombard | Health and Fitness
It is no surprise that when most people suffer from back pain or sciatica that the first place they may check for problems in their body is in the back or hips. But did you know that the human body is like a finely tuned instrument? When one part of the body is out of...
by Amy Korn-Reavis | Health and Fitness
Spring is a time for rain, plants, and the happiness of longer days. It is also the time of year where we spring the clock ahead one hour; thereby changing the time we get up and go to bed. Although the clock on the nightstand may say it is an hour later, our bodies...