The #1 Secret to Time Management

If you are seeking to achieve greatness in any area of your life, the two critical subjects you must strive to improve on are Goal Setting and Time Management. Those two subjects should be studied as much as or more than any other key component of your business. You...

Conversations With God

Neale Donald Walsch never wanted his life story to become a movie. He didn't even "ask" to write a book. He certainly had no intention of writing 22 books, or becoming a NY Times best selling author, or launching a worldwide movement of people who want to...

‘Mom, Am I Fat?’

Your child's room is strewn with clothing as she searches desperately for something to wear that "looks decent." As the piles become heaps, still nothing looks good enough. She peers into the mirror and sees only that her physical appearance does not...

Blessed are the Peace Makers

In a letter from a friend a mine who recently packed up her bags and went to Fairfield, Iowa to "meditate for peace" at the request of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Transcendental Mediation Movement, she wrote, "When there is a...

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